Just when you think that former Ocean Springs GOP mayoral hopeful Scott Walker can not sink any lower….

Scott Walker / The Sun Herald

Margaret Baker reports today that Walker was arrested just days before his drunken crash and burn in Washington DC for assaulting Eleanore Kelly, director of constituent services for Senator Roger Wicker. 

Before we get to Margaret’s report I feel compelled to make a few observations about Mr Walker’s recent behavior. First is the immediate thought that came to mind when I read today’s news, which I will not further elucidate beyond saying it appears Mr Walker needs a bit of marital counseling beyond a much-needed visit to AA. The man is spinning out of control. 

Second, the irony is not lost on me that Walker’s local GOP associates in Jackson County, normally a tough on crime bunch, manage to see past Walker’s recent criminal behavior including Pascagoula Mayor Robbie Maxwell calling Mr Walker “a fine young man”. I’m certain Walker’s momma would no doubt agree but will the public? I don’t think so judging from the multitude of comments left on Ms Baker’s stories to date. Here is a snippet from the latest on this unfolding saga: 

Former mayoral candidate Scott J. Walker was arrested in Washington, D.C., just days before his DUI arrest in Ocean Springs last week, court records show. 

Walker, 30, was arrested April 11 on one count each of misdemeanor simple assault and attempted possession of a prohibited weapon, according to records filed in Superior Court in Washington. Walker’s attorney there, Bernard Grimm, said his client has pleaded not guilty. 

After his out-of-state arrest, Walker was released on court-ordered conditions that he stay away from the home or office of the victim, Eleanore Kelly, director of constituent services for U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker’s office. She also serves as assistant to the senator’s chief of staff. 

I had to laugh after reading the comments of Walker’s local attorney Adam Miller in Ms Baker’s stories to date.  Miller’s story is that Walker was not drunk and is indeed innocent. Without naming any names, through my time here on Slabbed I’ve gotten to know several very fine lawyers (with skins on the wall to prove it) to the point where I know how they think. Miller is making a mistake here in what he is saying to the press. Being an advocate does not give an attorney a free pass to spout bullshit. Walker and Miller will have a hard time getting past that mug shot let alone the case facts as they are now known. 

Finally there is the damage Walker is now doing to Senator Wicker by dragging his former employer into the news cycle. How one faces tragedy and adversity reveals a person’s character. So far Scott Walker is revealing himself as mighty hollow. 


2 thoughts on “Just when you think that former Ocean Springs GOP mayoral hopeful Scott Walker can not sink any lower….”

  1. Marital counseling? Too late for that. His wife left him in December. I’d like to get her take on all of these recent shenanigans.

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