Michael, are your ears burning brother?

I received some interesting emails this weekend but the one that caught my fancy was the one that called New Orleans assistant US Attorney Michael Magner a “degenerate cockroach”. I am well familiar with Magner from back in the day and I feel on safe ground by terming the man a great natural basher along the lines of your mostly humble correspondent.

Locally, there was cause for concern in certain Jefferson Parish circles when it became known that Mr Magner had temporarily departed the area for a bit of home office duty. I say temporary because my unofficial sources indicated such was the case.


3 thoughts on “Michael, are your ears burning brother?”

  1. Please elaborate, for the benefit of one and those less informed, as to the significance of your comments and what may be deduced from them.

  2. Sure thing Thorny. It means Tim, Aaron, Tom and the gang need to be very worried.

    Otherwise the post was done on a whim as I was tickled by the background chatter I’ve heard and the fact I’m familar first hand with Mr Magner’s work.

    I won’t go into what one of our readers called Mr Letten in an email to me this past weekend as this is a family oriented blog.


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