3 thoughts on “”

  1. As a result of the investigation, those involved have been sentenced to more than 10 years in prison, nearly 25 years of probation, and more than $1 million in demands have been issued by my Office. Now that the sentencing phase of this investigation is complete, we can begin the process of collecting on the civil demands.”

    Previous civil and criminal actions against individuals as part of the DMR investigation:

    Former Executive Director, William W. Walker.
    Former City of D’Iberville Manager, Michael Janus.
    Former Consultant, Scott Walker.
    Former Director of Coastal Management Programs, Sheila “Tina” Shumate
    Former Program Manager, Leslie Young Gollott.
    Former Director of Artificial Reef Program, Kerwin Cuevas.
    Former Marine Technician, Jere Grant Larsen, Jr.
    Former Public Relations Officer, Susan Perkins
    Marine Technician, Kerry Endris.
    Former Videographer, Samantha Hebert.
    Former Chief of Marine Patrol, Walter Chataginer.
    What a list of loses. I’m sure the family of the late Michaela Hill have much stronger feelings It’s been 10 years today that she left this world. She was a strong honest woman that loved her family. I understand that her family is doing well while never forgetting her. They walk with their heads held high. I have often wondered what her husband would do to those that took his soul mate from him. High school sweethearts I’m sure he carries an internal fire in his soul for those that took her from him. I personally don’t envy them at all having to live knowing they hurt his family and took something so beautiful from him. As for me I hope they never have a moment of peace and I am sure Michaela will never be forgotten

  2. Ten years seems like a long time but not long enough for the gutless cowards that committed these crimes. Though the press and fake state investigators have come and gone there are those of us who still remember. Where have they gone? SW is still preying of the unsuspecting including his parents. Legal system and concurring judge is a Republican Guard joke. Rat Pickering is preying off the veterans of Mississippi with a political appointment in Jackson. Still sucking off the taxpayers tit. Fishing trip McKay is still land swimming in Jackson County. But no more surprise birthday fishing trips for the grand kids. Joe Colitis is still spreading his web but has a new grants partner with deep roots in old Biloxi politics. Just moved across the bay with those supporting HS Greyhounds. And don’t forget Tator Tot recipient of one of those “secrete” fishing trips. As I recall a photo of him appeared on this blog, is enmeshed in another grants scandal. It’s ironic that he’s cutting a federal program to help renters (veterans, seniors and disable) when rent prices are skyrocketing and then sucking the tit of an entitlement program for the poor to enrich himself and his donors. Has the gall to dismiss the investigator that has uncovered this deceit. Reminds me of Watergate. And the family that suffered the most suffers on while those responsible enjoy retirement and other privileges that life offers. RIP Michaela.

    1. I would bet that Mr. Hill has all involved in the death of the woman he loved so strongly are probably monitored from every agency you can imagine. If you know him you know his memory is long and he never quits especially if you knew how long and how much he loved Michaela.

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