Other Voices: Tom Callaghan: The Unbelievable War in Ukraine

Posted on April 19, 2022

I call it unbelievable because our Press has lost its mind in its hero worship of all things Ukraine and its Jewish President, Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Press has given us no context and no history on whether these two countries, Russia and Ukraine, might have had some connection with each other over the last several decades. Just unadulterated love for a guy who did what leaders have been doing for centuries. Not bugging out the back door when the fighting started. He stayed and he’s been demanding free stuff from the USA ever since.

We’re up around $2.5 Bil for the year now for Ukraine. Nobody gets more except Israel. Ukraine, like Israel, never lifted a finger to help the US when we were hit on 9/11 although a number of Non NATO countries, like Jordan and Iran, did. Yeah, Iran. Dig it.

So, we don’t, in any way, “owe” Ukraine.

Let’s set some context for the Ukraine-Russia relationship. The most important thing to know is there wouldn’t be a place called “Ukraine” if it wasn’t for the sacrifices of the Russian people. Similarly, the number of Jews lost in the Holocaust would have been much higher were it not for Russia. Continue Reading……..