Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Joe Biden – Caretaker

Posted on November 18, 2020

Joe Biden, slightly befuddled, usually successful at remembering which woman is his wife and which is his sister, often capable of detaching his facemask from his left ear, is going to take care of us for a while. Our Joe.

And, by the way, we should thank our lucky stars for that. Seriously. I mean consider the alternative. We dodged a bullet. Big time. Not just because the other guy is such a self-centered jerk, but because “taking care” is what comes natural for Joe. He’s been doing it his whole life. And, being cared for, is exactly what our country and our world need right now.

We don’t need a knight in shining armor. We need care and healing, literally and figuratively. We need someone we can trust.

“Caretaker” is not exactly what most politicians, on the make, aspire to be. You know the type. Hard chargers, who point with pride and view with alarm. They dominate debates with cut and thrust. They aspire to be transcendent actors on the world stage and practice their slow walk strut before full length mirrors. That’s not Joe at all. The other guy, no briefing books please, he’s practicing his strut and fist pump.

Joe is no silver-tongued snake oil salesman. He’s more like your favorite uncle who always seems happy to see you. His most memorable line in umpteen Democratic debates was “I see I’m out of time” which he used three times. Whatever he said before he became “out of time” was, and is, entirely forgettable.

Yet, another reason to thank our lucky stars. Continue Reading……