Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: A War if Trump Wants One

Posted on September 24, 2020

Benjamin Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson have a war all teed up for President Trump if he thinks he needs a war to win re-election. Timing is elegant. Iran is available. Use the Debate Sept 29 to take command of the stage. Remind us of your love for Israel. Commence hostilities first or second week of October.

Bye Bye Biden. Everybody knows a President gets a bump in the polls when our troops are at risk. Whether its a legitimate use of force, well now you’re being technical. Our President has an election to win. Nobody likes Iran anyway so its a win, win, win. Do you think Adelson came in $35 Mil strong in the last week of 2016, and gave five times more than the next largest giver to the Trump Inaugural Committee because he’s a flower child and, like Rodney King, just wants us “all to get along.” C’mon, man, you don’t go into the Casino business because you want to give someone a fair shot.

Netanyahu has experience sending the USA to war. Here he is, as a private Israeli citizen, between his first and second term as Israeli Prime Minister lecturing a compliant committee of our Congress on the duty of the United States to go to war with Iraq because in Netanyahu’s words “there was absolutely no doubt” that Saddam had weapons that, as it turned out, he didn’t have. Continue Reading……