Early pictures from SRHS Retiree protest in downtown Oceans Springs (Updated)

This morning the gang at Team SRHS Hopes is protesting in front of the Ocean Springs law office of Dogan and WIlkinson of Counsel Oscar Jordan. Slabbed’s on the scene photographer indicated to me just moments ago that motorists are honking in approval. Around 1:00 pm Slabbed has been told the protesters will move over to the Dogan and Wilkinson main office in Pascagoula to spread the joy there. Here are two early pics from Ocean Springs:

2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC

Update: Here are the rest of the photos from today’s protest in Ocean Springs:

2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC

9 thoughts on “Early pictures from SRHS Retiree protest in downtown Oceans Springs (Updated)”

  1. I am so happy that those people are standing up for themselves. Too bad the DMR employees didn’t have any guts to do the same. I keep hearing that something big is getting ready to happen to shake the coast, but haven’t seen anything. Any news on that? Are any little birds cheeping your way Doug??

    I hope that everyone is supporting those poor people. They need us all to back them up now so that the crooks can’t wiggle out of the web. And why is John “birthday bash” McKay still appointing people??? He shouldn’t be sweeping our sidewalks – much less still appointing people. What a slap in the face!!!

    1. Charlene,

      I always look forward to your comments and I am also glad to see the SRHS folks standing up for themselves. I to wish that the DMR employees would come out and say something but I think most are caught in a pickle. The pickle being they work for a highly political state agency that is run by a political crony of an embedded Regime. If some were to come out anonymously you can bet your ass upper management and HR would be on a warpath to seek and destroy. If some were to come out publicly, I believe the political connections would do more harm and continue to harm them if they had to seek other employment.

      From what I heard with respect to legacy employees that remain at the DMR–the name of the game is: keep your mouth shut; do your job; and jump on board with any idea or extra curricular activity that is available.

  2. Eye – that sounds like the game. At least the poor people at the SRH haven’t had to deal with liars and backstabbers and are able to take advantage of their given constitutional amendments to express their “freedom of speech” and have not been hindered (to date). The DMR would crumble under that kind of pressure right now. I understand that life is not so good there right now. Maybe the troops are getting fed up? Maybe the troops there are thinking about doing the same thing the SRH employees are doing? And have had enough of being pushed around and treated like cattle?? We will see. Ole Jamie had better start kissing some butt or it will be no fun for him, my sources tell me.

  3. If you blow up the pictures and look very close you can see what appears to be the attorneys from the Dogan, Wilkinson, Williams and others law firm peeking through the blinds. Maybe that is just the security personal they may have hired to sit in as receptionist these days.Sad that these peaceful people are forced to take this type of action to just get what was promised. What you really see in the pictures are some one’s grandmother, grandfather, mother, dad, sister, brother, daughter, son, friend and most are/were employed by the SRHS. These people are part of our community and we all should offer our support whenever possible. I believe the picketing is very important in reminding all of us how the powers that be and their appointees are trying in secret to destroy the retirement they deserve. Not only does the pension need reinstatement but also every expenditure, contract, real estate deal, financial document ect., ect. needs to be looked to determine how much money may have been stolen, misused, wasted or paid in excess for the service provided. In particular the legal fees paid to outside attorneys deserve the most scrutiny. I have a gut feeling that many decisions that have been made behind closed doors were for the benefit of a select few who have profited greatly because of the connections they have to the JCBOS,SRHS and SRHS BOT. I hope the cadre of lawyers and other hired guns do their job and prove this was standard procedure or just urban myth.

    1. “These people are part of our community and we all should offer our support whenever possible.”

      Watch for them and honk for them like crazy. I honked for them in front of the hospital in Pascagoula the other day. Even made a 2nd pass just to honk for them again.

  4. Pisser Politicians Produce A Peck of Picketing People:

    The difference between DMR and SRHS scandals – DMR was about fishing trips and illegal expenditures of government monies however in SRHS peoples’ retirements haves been rendered in doubt and it is encouraging that these people have taken to the street in peaceful protest.

    However, what about ALL the 600 retirees and THOUSAND or more workers getting OUT OF THE BOAT and WALKING ON WATER. If I was in a walker or and/on oxygen I can assure you I would be THERE and can you imagine what an effect such needy souls would have on other observing/passing citizens/motorists.

    So unless yo’ done gotts’ one foot on a banana peel I encourage all affected workers ( on weekends) and retirees to be THERE and show these slimy scum bags their scam is up.

  5. I am glad to say that in Harrison County we have multiple choices for any needed hospital care. If one is mismanaged, as in the case of the Singing River Hospital, you can go to another. i would not go to Singing River simply because of the way they have treated their employees, even if I had to travel by ambulance to another county. God help these pensionless people because the decision makers probably will until a judge demands they do.

  6. FYI – For all you readers of Slabbed, remember Governor Bryant chose his water boy Jamie Miller! It would not have mattered if Jesus Christ would have sent in his resume. He needed a ‘YES MAN’ and Pretty Boy Miller was it. Those people presently working at DMR have no recourse. If they want to keep their job, they do what Bryant says. It does not seem to matter that there have been 4 questionable suicides, people fired, cronies hired doing nothing for their high dollar pay checks and the list goes on.

    Our only recourse is at the ballot box but so far Mississippi has shown the world how stupid we are by continuing to elect the same old politicians who are screwing us year after year.

    1. J,

      Trust me, I believe most who read Slabbed who are in tune with the DMR realize jamie is nothing more than Phil’s little crony who is there to protect The Radical Republican Regime of Mississippi (RRRM).

      Based on what I have heard, little jamie has hired a team of Kool-Aid drinkers and dumb asses who just do what they are told and ask no questions. I am sure its a lovely place to work and I would not be surprised if its common to see employees running to HR or managers looking to dime someone out on a regular basis.

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