Jim Brown: Trying to make sense out of Ferguson!

Thursday, December 4th, 2014
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Do you know anyone who does not have an opinion of just what happened in Ferguson, Missouri? The problem is that in trying to make some sense out of what has become a tragedy for everyone involved, misinformation has been spewed out from all sides. Former New York Senator Daniel Moynihan summed up the incongruities well in saying that: “You are entitled to your own opinion but you’re not entitled to your own facts.”

For too many critics of what happened in Ferguson, personal opinions, at least in their own minds, have become the irrefutable facts of the calamity that unfolded. So whatever it’s worth, here’s a list of what I consider to be factually based conclusions of what can be drawn from this disastrous confrontation.

First of all, it’s not reasonable to compare the Trayvon Martin case and Michael Brown. Martin was not doing anything wrong and was being followed by a thug named George Zimmerman. Brown is not nearly as sympathetic. He is shown on videotape committing a felony by attacking a convenience store clerk and robbing the store. He was a ruffian who, according to grand jury testimony, shouted profanities at and assaulted a police officer, refused to stop when the officer confronted him, then charged and grabbed for the officer’s gun. It’s unclear what happened next, but it’s quite clear that Brown put himself in an extremely dangerous situation. Continue Reading………..

13 thoughts on “Jim Brown: Trying to make sense out of Ferguson!”

  1. I like your perspective Brownie and civic recommendations to Ferguson blacks but lets get a real black Reverend, the frank and honest Reverend Jonathan Gentry from California, with no black political prejudices to comment:


    More and more black conservatives are coming out of closets and telling it like it is bro’. Ken I done hear a few Amens.

  2. Honestly, Brownie, you missed the mark completely. Trayvon was a fool, going back for trouble. On the other hand, the best example of what WILL happen is the killing in New York City. A fellow was killed merely because a uniformed State thug disliked the fact the fellow wasn’t extorting taxes for the State. Next we’ll see SWAT teams wasting little kids selling lemonade or some roadside farmer selling vegetables.

  3. It wasn’t Michael Brown’s “Uncle” who shouted “Burn the bitch down”. It was Brown’s “StepFather”, ie. his Mother’s “live in” (Reports on the Internet are in conflict as to whether Brown’s Mother and the alleged “StepFather”, who is a two-time FELON, who has served at least two (2) bouts of “hard time”, are actually married). And the “StepFather’s” inciting-to-riot” rant went on for 10 minutes or so and included: “Burn this mother”f”ing bitch down”. Within 15 minutes, Ferguson was aflame and being looted. And by the way, Brown’s Mother (who also is reported to have urged the crown to “Burn the bitch down”) is facing criminal charges for beating up Brown’s Paternal GrandMother, who actually raised him – Brown’s own Mother DID NOT – as well as another Family Member, a cousin, because Mrs. Brown (I forget the name she now goes by) wanted to shut down Granny’s “Michael Brown’s tee-shirt stand”. In the process, Mrs. Brown also stole the merchandise AND the cash box. There even are Internet reports that Michael Brown was arrested for MURDER as a juvenile (the juvenile records have not been released), although I have bee unable to verify the accuracy of those reports. What I am waiting for is for “the Lame stream Media” to begin reporting the beating death by three Negro teens and an Hispanic teen, wielding HAMMERS, of a Caucasian Bosnian man a few days ago, about an hour AFTER the same pack had attacked another Caucasian Bosnian man while walking down the street chanting: “Kill the white people.” YES, THESE ANIMALS BEAT HIM TO DEATH WITH HAMMERS! And the dead man’s wife and a friend witnessed the beating death. WHERE, OH WHERE IS THE LAME STREAM MEDIA? And remember, the “new” battle cry is: “PANTS UP! DON’T LOOT!” Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. Arod,

    And where bees dat Holy Defender of Racial Injustice, U.S. Attorney Mr. Holder, to done federally investigate the hate crime and racist hammer beating of da’ white Bosnian man? Oh, I’m sorry dat right he’s trying to fabricate a federal case in Ferguson where no racist words were shouted at dat gentle giant, who bees on his way to college to done take Cigar Shoplifting 101, Advanced Bullying Da’ Police and How to Successfully Charge Weapon Projectiles.

    We presently live in a reverse racism nation presided over by our racist Dick-tator. God help us before it is to late, so all yo’ white people please gets off yo’ duff, tell yo’ children and relatives and friends to votes out Obama’s Obamacare conspirator, namely our one and only MISS PIGGY !

  5. There is one perspective ( at least to me) that no one has discussed in the Brown case. To me, this is a classic example of an incident where the “Bully” went down. Now, granted, I didn’t know this kid, or what his usual personality was like, but that morning ( laced with marijuana) he bullied a store owner, and then a police officer, who unfortunately decided not to give in. I say unfortunately because I wish neither of these guys would have been killed by the police. I wish they would have just rapped them over the head with a club or used some other kind of method to subdue them. But, I am not a police officer, so I will not judge them either. I am just tired of watching all these thugs destroy property and act like a bunch of damn fools, taking their anger out on people who have done nothing to them. If fact, I was thinking earlier tonight–“I wonder how many of those looters in Ferguson are on some kind of public assistance–housing, food, whatever that is being supported financially by the business owners they destroyed? If someone on public assistance destroys the property of the very taxpayers that house, feed, medicate, and whatever for them, they should have their benefits cut off immediately. After all, they just destroyed the hand that’s feeding them.
    And, however anyone feels about the incident in New York, one thing we can all safely say, N.Y. has a complete idiot for a Mayor. He indicts the entire Police Force for the actions of a few officers, and does it before he reads the Grand Jury report. That is what is wrong with our country–the inmates are running the asylum!!

  6. ANOTHER “BLACK-ON-WHITE” ATROCITY: Yesterday, a “groid” stabbed four people on an Amtrak train bound from Chicago to Detroit. The “Lame Stream Media” is reporting the story because they KNOW that the TSA let’s “anybody” board trains, with NO SECURITY CHECKS WHATSOEVER, but are telling the “PUBIC” that: “There is no evidence that the attack was ‘racially motivated’.” If anyone wants to buy “swampland in Florida” or a bridge across one of America’s mighty rivers, I can “help” you. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  7. Arod,

    This latest released James O’Keefe’s video on December 4, 2014 should shed some light on what was happening in the old retired U.S.Attorney’s office to O’Keefe after his visit to Mary Landrieu’s office and explains that what happened to you was similarly a selective political prosecution by a friendly coallition of political power players in State and Federal government:


    Today’s elections of U.S. Senator and the DA in Satanic Tammany Parish will tell if Louisiana voters have awaken and decided to start to take control of their rogue, arrogant government by voting out elected officials who fail to perform ethically and/or represent the majority opinions and political views of their constituents.

    1. Locke, I can state that at least one parish saw a revolutionary change on December 6, 2014. The kleptocratic gang running the parish politics, began by the Perez family in the 1920, which lived on 32 years in derivative form after the capos (Chalin & Lea) left in 1982, suffered a resounding defeat when Cormier trounced Hodnett. What is all the more remarkable is that local special interest groups such as a LABI derivative and other associated Front groups (using the Leninist term appropriately) in their attempt to perpetuate local friends & family plans saw their gang nominees for parish council trounced.
      Of course King Billy left a debt load which is about four times the annual income, and no doubt some poison pill contracts & debts, but apparently enough was enough to the citizenry. And, there’s some fossilized (and recently minted) holdovers from the creaky old machine still around to cause trouble. Perhaps they’ll simply spend time preserving their own hides and thus the incoming admin can do its work.
      Hopefully the incoming admin will have some time in which to clean the Augean stables.

  8. THE SLABBED NATION SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: (1) Michael Brown’s “stepfather” is now depicted on video taken by an “Al Jezzera” (the Arab News Agency) journalist, telling the crowd, “I’m going to start a riot”, before he began his ten (10) minute vulgar and obscene rant about “burn[ing] the bitch down”. (2) Two days ago, a 26-year old Caucasian Bosnian woman (who “may” have been of the Muslim faith) was dragged from her vehicle near where the Caucasian Bosnian man was beaten to death by Negro thugs wielding hammers last week, and was brutally beaten and kicked by – you “guessed” it – three Negro thugs. (3) Still, the “police”, ie. “law enforcement”, continue to say that “there is no evidence” that the hammer beating death, the Amtrak train stabbings (perpetrated by a Negro), and the beating of the Bosnian woman “are racially [or ‘Ferguson’] connected”. YEAH! RIGHT! Ashton O’Dwyer.

  9. Holy Revolutionary Riotous Bull-Shit Batman;

    The Obamination socialist revolution is in full swing intentionally diverting attention from the crisis in black neighborhoods/cities and refusing to acknowledge a growing young black defiance of law and civil authorities.

    Bill Cosby , an outspoken black concerned about the black youth crisis for decades, is systematically destroyed in the media and his microphone to the troubled black youth taken out of his hand by unverifiable reports of rape. Con incidence ? I think not.

    The nation’s major cities are in racial unrest and riotous states while Brown’s father is not charged with inciting a riot to burn down businesses, racist protesters and leaders of the black caucus continue to falsely allege false facts that Brown was shot with hands up despite Brown’s accomplice, first lying that Brown was shot in the back, not charged with fictious police report/ lying to grand jury; a liberal white college feminist lies that she was gang raped and creates nation wide protests and investigation into 100 university institutions while she is not charged with filing a false police report; a 600+ page report on CIA torture of those who would chop off our heads is published and released today by the Administration; the military’s moral is being destroyed by an Administration violating Congressional oversight and trading one ballet- dancing deserter for four terrorists and then allowing a decorated Marine with PSS to be treated like shit for 8 months in the filthy and corrupt Mexican jail system; the Administration unilaterally passes immigration law to create greater economic immigration burdens and untenable guarding of our southern border; and on and on………

    The only thing that gives me hope are the educated blacks themselves fighting back and expressing their views on the Obamination Revolution for what it is … such as Colonel West, a military decorated and very intelligent ex- representative from Fla., the ex-democratic turned republican, La. representative Guillory from Bunkie, La. and Dr. Ben Carson, a distinguished pediatric neurosurgeon who recently spoke out against Obama policy in front of Obama at a press dinner and has just resigned his position at FoxNews to explore a run for President.

    Despite being labeled Uncle Toms by the racist reverends and liberal black caucus leaders they bravely speak the truth and should be praised by all Americans of all color.

  10. With the assassination of two white police officers of NYPD ‘s finest there is blood dripping from the hands of Mayor “Jungle Fever” Blablabla-Zero ,Reverendless Sharpass and our racist President who threw the police of America under the bus.

    Opah and her “Selma” film need to be boycotted by white America and white America need to start marching against black extremists and agitators to show the black extremists we are not going to tolerate black rebels, black thuggery and black politicians preaching hate.

  11. Holy Ho Ho Humble-less Hoes, Batman,

    Mayor of New York, dat “Jungle Fever” De Blabla-Zero, says without humility ” its the media” who actually has the blood of two of NYPDs’ finest on their hands and not him.

    Dat Mr. Big Bird done needs his oversized balls trimmed with boughs of cactus and a personal X-Mas song:
    “You’re as cuddly as a cactus,
    You’re as charming as an eel, Mr.Big Bird
    You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel ! “

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