ANOTHER request for review of a Walker Order – Bossier v State Farm

Bossier v State Farm is a case I picked up on one of my docket sweeps at the end of May; so, it’s new to SLABBED; however,  much about the case will be familiar:

  • Judy Guice representing Bossier with John Banahan for State Farm;
  • a capacity for electronic production of documents requested in discovery (technology  described in the scheme;
  • Judge Walker’s orders protecting State Farm; and,
  • plaintiff’s counsel filing for review of a Walker order.

Bossier v State Farm provides an opportunity to examine the limiting impact of Judge Walker’s orders on plaintiffs’ cases.  Other than this brief introduction, a reminder to first read the related post for background, and a closing statement, there are no comments in this post, nor are any needed. The documents speak.  Listen as they tell their story. Continue reading “ANOTHER request for review of a Walker Order – Bossier v State Farm”