Returning to Galveston: "I Got This Sick Feeling"

As I read and see the news accounts about the residents of hard hit Galveston Island coming to terms with the result of Hurricane Ike, memories of my own experiences in the early days after Katrina wash back over me. Three years post Katrina we at Slabbed have a good idea whats in store for Galveston and it’s residents as it recovers. The starting place for the healing process is coming to terms with the loss as the Houston Chronicle reports:

The influx of people changed the feel of the coastal resort immediately. A dirty and disheveled ghost town suddenly buzzed with vehicles, their rear windows marked with the letters LL: look and leave. Continue reading “Returning to Galveston: "I Got This Sick Feeling"”

Returning to Galveston: “I Got This Sick Feeling”

As I read and see the news accounts about the residents of hard hit Galveston Island coming to terms with the result of Hurricane Ike, memories of my own experiences in the early days after Katrina wash back over me. Three years post Katrina we at Slabbed have a good idea whats in store for Galveston and it’s residents as it recovers. The starting place for the healing process is coming to terms with the loss as the Houston Chronicle reports:

The influx of people changed the feel of the coastal resort immediately. A dirty and disheveled ghost town suddenly buzzed with vehicles, their rear windows marked with the letters LL: look and leave. Continue reading “Returning to Galveston: “I Got This Sick Feeling””

$900 billion ain't much if you say it fast…

Someone just rang up the tab and thus far the taxpayers are in for $900 billion –  that’s way beyond what’s known down here as walkin’ around money.

Reminds me of the time Willie Nelson got into a problem with tax shelters and personally owed $17 million in taxes. You got to love a man that looks at a tab like that, starts picking up more work, and tells you, $17million ain’t much if you say it fast – but it can feel like a burning ring of fire.

The U.S. Federal Reserve stepped in to rescue insurance giant American International Group from bankruptcy with an $85 billion loan on Tuesday, the latest in a series of bailouts and loans for the financial and housing sectors.

The action brings the total tab for government rescues and special loan facilities this year to more than $900 billion. Following are details of actions and amounts: Continue reading “$900 billion ain't much if you say it fast…”

$900 billion ain’t much if you say it fast…

Someone just rang up the tab and thus far the taxpayers are in for $900 billion –  that’s way beyond what’s known down here as walkin’ around money.

Reminds me of the time Willie Nelson got into a problem with tax shelters and personally owed $17 million in taxes. You got to love a man that looks at a tab like that, starts picking up more work, and tells you, $17million ain’t much if you say it fast – but it can feel like a burning ring of fire.

The U.S. Federal Reserve stepped in to rescue insurance giant American International Group from bankruptcy with an $85 billion loan on Tuesday, the latest in a series of bailouts and loans for the financial and housing sectors.

The action brings the total tab for government rescues and special loan facilities this year to more than $900 billion. Following are details of actions and amounts: Continue reading “$900 billion ain’t much if you say it fast…”

Some days all you can do is scratch your head and wonder…

Here’s a quick catch-all on litigation.  No big news but, then again, there’s no such thing as useless information – even when it makes you scratch your head and wonder.

USA v Perdigao:  Not a peep, Sally and NAAS, still not another word on the docket about the hearing scheduled to take place last week, not another word at all since our last post.  Surely there’s something is to be said even about a hearing without oral arguments – like we had it.  Go figure that one.

Renfroe v Rigsby AKA the Alabama case:  If you can’t figure Perdigao, try your hand at this.  Remember Dick Scruggs has an appeal pending on Judge Acker’s order holding him in civil contempt.  Well, it appears Renfroe’s attorney “took it upon himself,” as folks say, and “up and writes the clerk of the 11th circuit a “Dear Sharon” letter.

On July 16,2008, the Appellants, Richard F. Scruggs and The Scruggs Law Film, P.A., filed an Amended Designation of the Record on Appeal which included the transcript of the hearing on March 19-20, 2007.  We now understand that the exhibits that were introduced during that hearing are not automatically included in the record absent a specific request that they be made a part of the record. Continue reading “Some days all you can do is scratch your head and wonder…”