Juanita Jean on Tom Delay

I’m stealing one of Nowdy’s tricks but after several pre-Thanksgiving beers I can’t help but throw props over to Juanita Jean and The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon. Blog moderator Susan lives in Richmond, Texas which happens to be “in the heart of Tom DeLay’s old district” where “it’s nuttier than squirrel poop”. I think we should all take her word as definitive when it comes to her old congressman Tom DeLay. Wouldn’t it be nice if this area had a DA like Ronnie Earle:

Ronnie Earle would fight a rattlesnake with one arm tied behind his back and give the snake three bites head start. And he’s so honest that you could shoot dice with him over the phone.

I imagine that the words “I will destroy you,” have suddenly disappeared from Tom DeLay’s daily vocabulary. I honestly don’t know if they sell Viagra for hammers.


Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends Remain Defiant

You would think after being exposed for frauds and liars, Bubba Pierce would have his out of state friends crawl back under the rocks from which they live. Claiming they have a first amendment right to slander Oliver Diaz, Pierce’s friends at the LEAA have redoubled their efforts and WLOX is a willing accomplice continuing to air these misleading commercials. As Jesse Livermore noted a century ago money clouds decision making and the lure of advertising dollars evidently overrode fairness in advertising at WLOX. Jerry Mitchell at the Clarion Ledger has this continuing story:

An out-of-state group stands by its advertisement lambasting state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. – despite a judicial committee condemnation of that ad.

The advertisement airing on television stations from Jackson to the Coast accused Diaz of being “the only one … voting for” two baby killers and another killer in three cases. Diaz, running for re-election against Chancery Judge Bubba Pierce, has called the accusations “lies.”

The Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has concluded the ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Continue reading “Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends Remain Defiant”