Breaking: US House of Representatives passes partial repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Anti Trust Exemption

(H/T Mr CLS:) Our readers may recall that fractious House Democratic caucus we covered around one month ago. There were 4 points made by the Congressman to the slabbed, and it appears Madam Speaker is listening to the good advice she was given. Those 4 points:

  • repeal the insurance antitrust exemption
  • repeal the “Tauzin deal” that prohibits Medicare from negotiating prices with drug companies
  • require generic drugs in Medicare unless the doctor certifies that a brand name drug is medically necessary
  • require insurance plans to offer parents the option to cover their children up to age 27

None of these items will cost taxpayers a dime and in fact would save money. Nowdy and I founded Slabbed 2 years and 2 months ago based upon a few simple principles which is well illustrated by the following Margaret Mead quote:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Continue reading “Breaking: US House of Representatives passes partial repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Anti Trust Exemption”