Judge Sotomayor Insurer friendly?

Noted insurance defense lawyer Randy Maniloff (and occasional slabbed contributor) has analyzed several insurance cases Judge Sotomayor has opined upon and found some things he liked from his perspective as an insurance defense lawyer. Sotomayor “brings a long record of decisions favoring insurers”. The Insurance Journal filed the report:

The Supreme Court almost never takes up insurance related cases. Even so, President Obama’s recent nominee brings a long record of decisions favoring insurers, a possible plus for the insurance industry, said Philadelphia based insurance attorney Randy J. Maniloff.

Maniloff, who is a partner in the commercial litigation department of White and Williams LLP, said that in his review of Sonia Sotomayor’s insurance-related opinions, he discovered that she ruled “consistently, across the board in favor of insurers.”

Maniloff, who concentrates his practice in the representation of insurers, said that while he set out to review Sotomayor’s insurance decisions mostly for “fun,” he was surprised by what he found. He reviewed many insurance-related cases by Sotomayor and found that the overwhelming majority of the cases resulted in opinions considered to be favorable to insurers. Continue reading “Judge Sotomayor Insurer friendly?”