A Bit More on Camp Coastal Courtesy of the Seacoast Echo

An email to me this afternoon served as a reminder that the print media in Hancock County is also covering the Camp Coastal story.  I learned a few things from Meaghan Chapman’s story from the 20th in the Seacoast Echo including that a hearing was requested by Sweeney and Molenhouse:

Coastal Outpost Directors Mike Sweeney and Sandra Molenhouse are under investigation by the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s office for allegedly using donations earmarked for Katrina victims in Hancock County and South Louisiana to fatten their own pockets.

The organization, which has been operating out of Kiln since a few months post-Katrina, billed itself as a charity — vested in hosting and directing volunteers and “managing a rebuilding program” — however, Sec. of State Delbert Hosemann said this week, the group never registered through his office……

While tracking down the nearly $5 million the organization has accumulated through various donations from people around the world, the secretary of state says, a major portion apparently didn’t go where it was earmarked. Continue reading “A Bit More on Camp Coastal Courtesy of the Seacoast Echo”