The Sun Herald Reports on the Failure of Mediation to Resolve Renfroe v Rigsby

Nowdy broke the story over a week ago here. Anita Lee picks up from there and adds a few juicy tidbits in her story in today’s Sun Herald:

Ocean Springs insurance adjusters Cori and Kerri Rigsby have been unable to resolve through mediation a lawsuit filed against them by their former employer, E.A. Renfroe, putting the case back on track for trial.

In another legal development, the Rigsbys have dismissed two engineering firms – Jade Engineering and Rimkus Consulting Group Inc. – from a whistle-blower lawsuit they filed against State Farm, E.A. Renfroe and other State Farm vendors.

“We’re making strategic decisions about who should remain in the lawsuit and who should not,” said attorney August J. Matteis Jr. of the Washington firm Gilbert Randolph, which recently took over the case. “It’s an ongoing process.” Continue reading “The Sun Herald Reports on the Failure of Mediation to Resolve Renfroe v Rigsby”

Renfroe offers support to Rigsby sisters before filing suit – Go figure!

Renfroe’s employment agreement and Code of Conduct do not forbid employees from disclosing fraud to policyholders or to the public – So says the Rigsbys’ counsel in their latest filing on the Motion for Summary Judgment re: plaintiff Renfroe’s claim of breach of contract.

The employment agreement and Code of Conduct do not forbid employees of Renfroe from disclosing fraud to policyholders or to the public. (See Employment agreement attached as Exhibit F & E) Renfroe employees are not to be complicit in fraud on policyholders. (See Jana Renfroe Depo. I, at 254:14-22 & 353:9-10).

And, so they say, Renfroe employees who observe fraud are permitted to report it to the authorities and to turn over documentary evidence without the consent of Renfroe.

In fact, they not only say, they show as evidence a Gene Refroe letter to Kerri Rigsby, dated September 1, 2006 (Exhibit G). Cori got one, too, by the way.

We understand that you have or may have provided documents or other information to law enforcement authorities. We support your behavior in that respect, and do not question its propriety or appropriateness.” (emphasis added)

What a puzzle it must have been to receive this letter and then days later find the propriety and appropriateness of their behavior the subject of a lawsuit Renfroe filed in Alabama. Continue reading “Renfroe offers support to Rigsby sisters before filing suit – Go figure!”

Renfroe v Rigsby and the "magic jurisdiction" of the Miscellaneous Case

One thing that’s for certain is that there’s never a dull moment with Judge Acker around. Take, for example, his June 27th opinion and order stating discovery in the above-entitled miscellaneous case is STAYED, except to the extent the parties agree.

What the miscellaneous case turns out to be is one transferred from Illinois and combined with Renfroe v Rigsby just long enough to work a little magic and see if the Rigsby sisters will disappear before anyone orders State Farm employees to testify about what really happened in claims handling after Katrina. Given this quote reported by WLOX in October 2006, the last sentence should have read a little more magic.

The company claims its employees risk incriminating themselves if they testify in civil cases before the criminal probes are completed.

“State Farm’s interest in having a fair opportunity to defend itself in this civil proceeding would also be jeopardized if the depositions of these four individuals are permitted to go forward,” the company’s attorneys wrote in court papers.

Watch this slight-of-hand and see if you catch the trick. Continue reading “Renfroe v Rigsby and the "magic jurisdiction" of the Miscellaneous Case”