Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends Remain Defiant

You would think after being exposed for frauds and liars, Bubba Pierce would have his out of state friends crawl back under the rocks from which they live. Claiming they have a first amendment right to slander Oliver Diaz, Pierce’s friends at the LEAA have redoubled their efforts and WLOX is a willing accomplice continuing to air these misleading commercials. As Jesse Livermore noted a century ago money clouds decision making and the lure of advertising dollars evidently overrode fairness in advertising at WLOX. Jerry Mitchell at the Clarion Ledger has this continuing story:

An out-of-state group stands by its advertisement lambasting state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. – despite a judicial committee condemnation of that ad.

The advertisement airing on television stations from Jackson to the Coast accused Diaz of being “the only one … voting for” two baby killers and another killer in three cases. Diaz, running for re-election against Chancery Judge Bubba Pierce, has called the accusations “lies.”

The Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has concluded the ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Continue reading “Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends Remain Defiant”

The Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention Tells Bubba Pierce His Supporters Cross the Line

Our readers know current big business/insurance company supported Supreme Court Candidate Bubba Pierce has been making lots of new out of state friends lately. Former Supreme Court Justice Fred Banks, Chair of the Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention, has taken a dim view of what Bubba’s new friends are saying as we reported yesterday. Mr Banks went a step further an released a copy of the letter he sent to Bubba’s campaign letting him know he is responsible for the slander contained in the LEAA ads against Bubba’s opponent Current Justice Oliver Diaz.  Anita Lee has the story for the Sun Herald including reporting WLOX has belatedly pulled the ads:

Supreme Court candidate Randy “Bubba” Pierce said he had nothing to do with misleading and inaccurate advertisements run about his opponent, incumbent Justice Oliver Diaz, but a judicial elections committee wants Pierce to tell ad sponsors they should stop their attacks.

A group called the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, whose supporters are anonymous, has attacked Diaz on television with inaccurate and misleading claims about his Supreme Court rulings, implying Diaz supports killers and rapists. A direct-mail print ad that supports Pierce in the Southern District race says out-of-state trial lawyers are trying to buy the seat, although campaign-finance reports reflect few contributions for Diaz from outside Mississippi. Continue reading “The Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention Tells Bubba Pierce His Supporters Cross the Line”

Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends

Anita Lee debunked the recent anti Diaz LEAA ads in a story we profiled here.  Now, the Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has found the recent LEAA.org ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Comcast has pulled the ads and now I wonder if individuals stations like WDAM and WLOX will do likewise or at least offer Justice Diaz equal time free of charge to debunk the slanderous ads (from which they profited) designed to benefit Diaz’s opponent Bubba Pierce.

Speaking of Mr Pierce he has adopted an ostrich strategy saying that he can’t comment on an ad he hasn’t seen nor does he have the time to research the cases. Not that this information has not been put out as Anita Lee and now Jerry Mitchell have publiiczed how the ad is misleading. I guess the word of former Supreme Court Justice Fred Banks isn’t good enough for Bubba either.

It is telling how quickly Mr Pierce hopped into bed with these out of state special interest groups that don’t have the sack to conduct their business above board in the light of day. It reminds me of the Cockroach Theory, which states that if you see one cockroach in your house, you have to assume there a many more lurking unseen. Here is the latest list of doctors and big business executives behind Bubba (not counting the out of state shadow groups like LEAA) including lots of out of district contributions from Jackson area Docs that want to insure that malpractice continues going  unpunished in Mississippi.

Now for some excerpts from today’s Clarion Ledger story:

A judicial elections committee on Wednesday condemned a misleading television advertisement that claims state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. “voted for” two baby killers and the man executed for beating a woman to death.

The truth is Diaz, who is seeking re-election, wasn’t on the court when one case was heard. In a second, he voted for a hearing on DNA testing, not against conviction. And in a third, he joined then-Chief Justice Ed Pittman in concluding that trial errors required a new trial. Continue reading “Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends”

Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce's New Out of State Friends

Anita Lee debunked the recent anti Diaz LEAA ads in a story we profiled here.  Now, the Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has found the recent LEAA.org ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Comcast has pulled the ads and now I wonder if individuals stations like WDAM and WLOX will do likewise or at least offer Justice Diaz equal time free of charge to debunk the slanderous ads (from which they profited) designed to benefit Diaz’s opponent Bubba Pierce.

Speaking of Mr Pierce he has adopted an ostrich strategy saying that he can’t comment on an ad he hasn’t seen nor does he have the time to research the cases. Not that this information has not been put out as Anita Lee and now Jerry Mitchell have publiiczed how the ad is misleading. I guess the word of former Supreme Court Justice Fred Banks isn’t good enough for Bubba either.

It is telling how quickly Mr Pierce hopped into bed with these out of state special interest groups that don’t have the sack to conduct their business above board in the light of day. It reminds me of the Cockroach Theory, which states that if you see one cockroach in your house, you have to assume there a many more lurking unseen. Here is the latest list of doctors and big business executives behind Bubba (not counting the out of state shadow groups like LEAA) including lots of out of district contributions from Jackson area Docs that want to insure that malpractice continues going  unpunished in Mississippi.

Now for some excerpts from today’s Clarion Ledger story:

A judicial elections committee on Wednesday condemned a misleading television advertisement that claims state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. “voted for” two baby killers and the man executed for beating a woman to death.

The truth is Diaz, who is seeking re-election, wasn’t on the court when one case was heard. In a second, he voted for a hearing on DNA testing, not against conviction. And in a third, he joined then-Chief Justice Ed Pittman in concluding that trial errors required a new trial. Continue reading “Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce's New Out of State Friends”

Bubba Pierce’s Out of State Henchmen Set New Campaign Lows

I first saw the anti Diaz commercial last week on WLOX.  It was paid for by LEAA, an offshoot of the National Rifle Association. Not only was the ad well below the belt but according to Anita Lee is also false and misleading. The fact insurance company supported candidate Bubba Pierce was content to sit and watch these ads without comment speaks volumes too.  Momma Pierce certainly taught her boy better but the lure of the supreme court has clouded his judgement and now his reputation is suffering. Here is Anita Lee’s story:

Proponents of campaign-finance reform say a loophole in Mississippi law encourages misleading, anonymously sponsored television advertisements that out-of-state groups back to attack candidates they oppose.

This past week, incumbent Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. became the target of an inaccurate and misleading advertisement sponsored by the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, an organization headquartered near Washington, D.C.

LEAA, a group that has been backed by the National Rifle Association, is airing the advertisements on television stations from Jackson to the Coast. They accuse Diaz of supporting two child killers and a rapist who murdered a woman. Diaz actually voted to give one convict a post-conviction hearing in Circuit Court, stay the execution of a second inmate pending a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on lethal injection and grant a new trial to a third defendant because of errors in a previous trial that the entire court acknowledged.

Matt Steffey, a Mississippi College School of Law professor who specializes in criminal law, said the ads are intended to mislead and play on the electorate’s fear. Continue reading “Bubba Pierce’s Out of State Henchmen Set New Campaign Lows”

Bubba Pierce's Out of State Henchmen Set New Campaign Lows

I first saw the anti Diaz commercial last week on WLOX.  It was paid for by LEAA, an offshoot of the National Rifle Association. Not only was the ad well below the belt but according to Anita Lee is also false and misleading. The fact insurance company supported candidate Bubba Pierce was content to sit and watch these ads without comment speaks volumes too.  Momma Pierce certainly taught her boy better but the lure of the supreme court has clouded his judgement and now his reputation is suffering. Here is Anita Lee’s story:

Proponents of campaign-finance reform say a loophole in Mississippi law encourages misleading, anonymously sponsored television advertisements that out-of-state groups back to attack candidates they oppose.

This past week, incumbent Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. became the target of an inaccurate and misleading advertisement sponsored by the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, an organization headquartered near Washington, D.C.

LEAA, a group that has been backed by the National Rifle Association, is airing the advertisements on television stations from Jackson to the Coast. They accuse Diaz of supporting two child killers and a rapist who murdered a woman. Diaz actually voted to give one convict a post-conviction hearing in Circuit Court, stay the execution of a second inmate pending a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on lethal injection and grant a new trial to a third defendant because of errors in a previous trial that the entire court acknowledged.

Matt Steffey, a Mississippi College School of Law professor who specializes in criminal law, said the ads are intended to mislead and play on the electorate’s fear. Continue reading “Bubba Pierce's Out of State Henchmen Set New Campaign Lows”