In Other News…..

The gang over at the Jefferson Report has two stories up that bear mentioning beyond the mentioning in comments last week.  The staff there has an excellent report on the River Birch scheme which ran under the lede Suckers! that is a great read. In addition to that, Jeremy Alford breaks down delinquent Ethic Commissions fines in his post Past Due!.

Jason Berry aka The American Zombie checks in with part 2 of his series on the mortgage mess over at NOLA Civil District Court at Humid Beings where he blows the lid off the incompetence and greed which lead to the crash, including an especially clueless judge with the last name Landrieu. I can almost visualize the Judges eating good at the courthouse cafeteria talking about how their 16 year old kids could handle the courthouse IT department. It is a story of incredible incompetence that is also a must read.

If I missed anything please leave a link in comments.
