Gene continues multiperil insurance rollout. Greg Harper proves to be a good neighbor.

(h/t Alan at Yall for the link). Yesterday, thanks to the C-L story on the topic of multiperil insurance we found Mississippi’s own Rep Greg Harper has signed on to Gene’s bill joining Travis Childers as co-sponsors of HR 1264.  Bennie Thompson has yet to sign on. Looking at the list of co sponsors at Gene’s congressional website we find a very diverse group of people (just like here at slabbed) in support of the multi peril concept. In addition to the newest announcements we see conservatives such as NOLA area Republican Rep Steve Scalise to Democratic Representatives Alcee Hastings and Sheila Jackson Lee have also signed on to HR 1264.

Over the past two years I’ve met, shook hands and briefly conversed with more US House members than I can remember at Gene’s Bay St Louis town hall meetings. Two from last year that came to the Bay and “talked a good game” were New York’s Steve Israel and Connecticut’s John Larson. For the slabbed it is put up or shut up time and we’re paying attention to the House members that sign up and the ones who talk a good game. We’re also paying attention to our own  US Senator Roger Wicker who appears to be doing a tap dance instead of working this issue from the Senate side.  Deborah Barfield has the Clarion Ledger story:

Banking on public outrage against insurance companies, 4th District Rep. Gene Taylor says his bill to add wind coverage to the federal flood-insurance program stands a better shot at passage this Congress.

“I would think that if there is ever a time to convince our fellow congressmen to rein in this industry, it’s now,” said Taylor, a Democrat.

Taylor reintroduced a bill this month that would expand the federal flood-insurance program to include wind coverage, which supporters say is important to homeowners in areas hit by hurricanes.

The bill, called the Multiple Peril Insurance Act, would allow homeowners who buy federal flood insurance to also purchase wind coverage.

Taylor said he expects more attention will be paid to his bill this year because lawmakers are upset that American International Group gave $165 million in employee bonuses after receiving more than $180 billion in a government bailout of the financial services industry. The House passed a bill Thursday that would impose a tax of 90 percent of those bonuses. Continue reading “Gene continues multiperil insurance rollout. Greg Harper proves to be a good neighbor.”

Breaking: Gene Taylor Introduces Legislation to Repeal Big Insurance

Congressman Gene Taylor
U.S. House of Representatives
Fourth District of Mississippi


2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5772
Fax (202) 225-7074

For Immediate Release                                    Contact: Ana Maria Rosato
March 19, 2009                                                       (202) 253-1308

Reps. Defazio, Taylor Defend Taxpayers from Further
AIG and Insurance Industry Greed

Introduce legislation to repeal insurance industry’s antitrust exemption

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Congressmen Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) and Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) today introduced legislation to remove the federal antitrust exemption from the insurance industry. This legislation is particularly important in light of the abuses by American Insurance Group (AIG), operating as if they were above the law. In fact, the current insurance exemption from antitrust laws gave AIG a free pass to become “too big to fail,” and now the U.S taxpayers are on the hook to bail them out or risk even further turmoil in an already fragile economy. This legislation would close that exemption.

“The fact that the insurance industry is exempt from federal anti-trust laws is outrageous. Shouldn’t the $170 billion bailout of AIG be the third and final strike to the “business as usual” attitude toward the insurance industry?  We cannot tolerate these rampant abuses of the system at a massive cost to tax payers,” DeFazio said. “AIG was gambling with people’s life savings and lost it all to speculative and shady transactions and contributed to the current crisis. We must insure this never happens again.”

“Why is anyone surprised?” Taylor said. “Insurance companies believe that they are above the law. When it comes to the federal laws, they are. After Hurricane Katrina, insurance companies took advantage of the lack of federal oversight to bill the National Flood Insurance Program for wind damage. Taxpayers also paid for FEMA trailers, home repair grants, subsidized loans, and tax deductions for property damage that insurance should have covered.”. Continue reading “Breaking: Gene Taylor Introduces Legislation to Repeal Big Insurance”

Breaking: US Representative Taylor Releases PR on AIG

Congressman Gene Taylor

U.S. House of Representatives

Fourth District of Mississippi


2269 Rayburn HOB

Washington, DC 20515

(202) 225-5772

Fax (202) 225-7074


For Immediate Release                                    Contact: Ana Maria Rosato March 15, 2009                                                   (202) 253-1308

AIG’s financial shenanigans? “Why is anyone Surprised?!”

retorted Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS)

“Bilking American Taxpayers is What Insurance Companies do.”“Bilking American taxpayers is what insurance companies do. Why is anyone surprised?!” Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) retorted to the recent public disclosure of AIG’s financial shenanigans. “Insurance companies believe that they are above the law. Well, in fact, when it comes to the federal laws, they are. The number of federal laws and regulations for the industry is a whopping ZERO. None. Not one. Insurance companies aren’t even subject to the nation’s anti-trust laws which prevent collusion and price fixing, laws that every other financial services business is subject to. This must end.”   To get payment on their legitimate wind damage claims, property owners had to resort to hiring attorneys and engineers to take their insurance carriers to court before getting their claims paid. Rep. Taylor represents the Mississippi Gulf Coast region that Hurricane Katrina ruthlessly battered. After hurricane force winds ripped through the region, property insurance companies deliberately failed to pay on legitimate wind damage claims. Rather than paying the claims they should have paid out of their own corporate pockets, insurance companies sent those bills to the American taxpayer via the National Flood Insurance Program. Taylor believes that Congress should investigate the extent to which the NFIP’s $17 billion of red ink is due to such fraudulent claims to determine and hold the appropriate parties accountable for any legal wrongdoing. Continue reading “Breaking: US Representative Taylor Releases PR on AIG”