In This Episode of the Jeffersons is Another Indictment: Keeping it All in the Family (Updated)

According to the Times Picayune this time it is Betty Jefferson, sister to the Congressman. She joins her two brothers who are also under federal indictment. Here is the Times Picayune story:

U.S. Attorney Jim Letten is expected to announce this afternoon that 4th District Assessor Betty Jefferson, an elder sister of U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, has been indicted on fraud-related charges by a federal grand jury. At least one other sibling, the previously indicted Mose Jefferson, is also expected to face additional charges, sources close to the case said.

Letten has scheduled a news conference for 2 p.m. He declined to comment.

Sources close to the investigation say the charges are the culmination of a probe into charities run by members of the Jefferson family and their allies. In a rare move, the FBI announced it was investigating the nonprofits after a 2006 Times-Picayune story revealed apparent self-dealing at them. Continue reading “In This Episode of the Jeffersons is Another Indictment: Keeping it All in the Family (Updated)”