Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends

Anita Lee debunked the recent anti Diaz LEAA ads in a story we profiled here.  Now, the Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has found the recent ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Comcast has pulled the ads and now I wonder if individuals stations like WDAM and WLOX will do likewise or at least offer Justice Diaz equal time free of charge to debunk the slanderous ads (from which they profited) designed to benefit Diaz’s opponent Bubba Pierce.

Speaking of Mr Pierce he has adopted an ostrich strategy saying that he can’t comment on an ad he hasn’t seen nor does he have the time to research the cases. Not that this information has not been put out as Anita Lee and now Jerry Mitchell have publiiczed how the ad is misleading. I guess the word of former Supreme Court Justice Fred Banks isn’t good enough for Bubba either.

It is telling how quickly Mr Pierce hopped into bed with these out of state special interest groups that don’t have the sack to conduct their business above board in the light of day. It reminds me of the Cockroach Theory, which states that if you see one cockroach in your house, you have to assume there a many more lurking unseen. Here is the latest list of doctors and big business executives behind Bubba (not counting the out of state shadow groups like LEAA) including lots of out of district contributions from Jackson area Docs that want to insure that malpractice continues going  unpunished in Mississippi.

Now for some excerpts from today’s Clarion Ledger story:

A judicial elections committee on Wednesday condemned a misleading television advertisement that claims state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. “voted for” two baby killers and the man executed for beating a woman to death.

The truth is Diaz, who is seeking re-election, wasn’t on the court when one case was heard. In a second, he voted for a hearing on DNA testing, not against conviction. And in a third, he joined then-Chief Justice Ed Pittman in concluding that trial errors required a new trial. Continue reading “Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce’s New Out of State Friends”

Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce's New Out of State Friends

Anita Lee debunked the recent anti Diaz LEAA ads in a story we profiled here.  Now, the Special Committee on Judicial Election Campaign Intervention has found the recent ad violates the Code of Judicial Conduct. Comcast has pulled the ads and now I wonder if individuals stations like WDAM and WLOX will do likewise or at least offer Justice Diaz equal time free of charge to debunk the slanderous ads (from which they profited) designed to benefit Diaz’s opponent Bubba Pierce.

Speaking of Mr Pierce he has adopted an ostrich strategy saying that he can’t comment on an ad he hasn’t seen nor does he have the time to research the cases. Not that this information has not been put out as Anita Lee and now Jerry Mitchell have publiiczed how the ad is misleading. I guess the word of former Supreme Court Justice Fred Banks isn’t good enough for Bubba either.

It is telling how quickly Mr Pierce hopped into bed with these out of state special interest groups that don’t have the sack to conduct their business above board in the light of day. It reminds me of the Cockroach Theory, which states that if you see one cockroach in your house, you have to assume there a many more lurking unseen. Here is the latest list of doctors and big business executives behind Bubba (not counting the out of state shadow groups like LEAA) including lots of out of district contributions from Jackson area Docs that want to insure that malpractice continues going  unpunished in Mississippi.

Now for some excerpts from today’s Clarion Ledger story:

A judicial elections committee on Wednesday condemned a misleading television advertisement that claims state Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz Jr. “voted for” two baby killers and the man executed for beating a woman to death.

The truth is Diaz, who is seeking re-election, wasn’t on the court when one case was heard. In a second, he voted for a hearing on DNA testing, not against conviction. And in a third, he joined then-Chief Justice Ed Pittman in concluding that trial errors required a new trial. Continue reading “Jerry Mitchell Writes about Bubba Pierce's New Out of State Friends”