Some friends are in the news today

Long Beach resident Kevin Buckel and United Policyholders executive director Amy Bach to be specific. Kevin’s website details his thus far fruitless pursuit of a statutory Policyholder Bill of Rights for Mississippians. It has been blocked in committee in the Senate by Sen. Eugene “Buck” Clarke, a GOP free market true believer over at the Big Rock Candy Mountain in Jackson.

We’ve also chronicaled Mr Buckel’s efforts at fostering transparency at the Mississippi Department of Insurance as he has taken our current Commish to court after the claims files used in the sham Market Conduct Study began under Mr Chaney’s predecessor turned insurance lobbyist George Dale as overseen by former Deputy Commish Lee Harrell who now works for State Farm law firm Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz. Mr Chaney has thus far successfully stonewalled those efforts. Anita Lee picks up more recent events here:

A Coast policyholder is appealing to the state Supreme Court for access to Mississippi Insurance Department records that would show the dollar amount of Katrina claims denied by insurance companies.

Long Beach policyholder Kevin Buckel filed a written request in January 2009 for records showing the total amount of damages homeowners claimed, the total amount paid and the total amount denied by private property insurance companies. MID maintains the agency does not have the records.

United Policyholders of America is helping Buckel fund the appeal. Continue reading “Some friends are in the news today”

State Farm launches Mac-attack on Payment case with missiles, ground fire and bomb to keep MID market conduct exam from jury

Will Dr. Payment fold like McIntosh under this pressure?

Payment v State Farm, introduced here in a post that published on the 5th of December, became the target for a Mac-attack that same day.  Before the attack ended a day later., State Farm attorney John Banahan had launched a dozen wind-to-water missiles of motions in limine, including three with memorandum in support.

Six docket entries that followed were ground fire for the bomb to come.

  • Supplemental NOTICE of Service of Disclosure by Michael Payment
  • Supplemental Designation of Experts by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • NOTICE of Service of Response to Interrogatories by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • NOTICE of Service of Disclosure by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • NOTICE of Service of Supplemental Opinions of Defendant’s Experts in Response to Supplemental Opinion of Neil B. Hall, Ph.D. by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company re Designation of Experts
  • RESET HEARING: Final Pretrial Conference RESET for 12/22/2008, 1:30 P.M., before District Judge L. T. Senter Jr

Then, today, State Farm dropped a bomb  – NOTICE of Offer of Judgment by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. Continue reading “State Farm launches Mac-attack on Payment case with missiles, ground fire and bomb to keep MID market conduct exam from jury”