A Quick Note About the Horizons Development plus Wall Street Meets Azalea Drive

This post from May linked several Sun Herald stories on developers Robert Windham and Mike Adkinson and their taste for large tracts of land in Stone County. That post, which generates continued interest contained this blurb: 

Frankly I think this is wishful thinking. Even if they get enough money to keep the project on life support, it is doomed. The article explains why:

Stone County Supervisor Wendell Patton said the developers are proceeding with Beaver Creek Estates, which he said will have 498 lots on 346 acres. He said they have installed a water tank, drilled a well, paved roads and built sidewalks.

In response to a comment on that thread I promised to ask around. Several months later Continue reading “A Quick Note About the Horizons Development plus Wall Street Meets Azalea Drive”

Speaking of Horizons (Updated)

In one of my many posts yesterday I mentioned the Horizons development in Stone County going up in smoke. Like Pearl River County to the west Stone County has been a net Katrina beneficiary. Geography made land speculation inevitable. Horizons was the over the top project that smart money knew would never come to fruition but not so fast according to Sun Herald article source Gerald Bond:

Unpaid debts and a stagnant housing market are jeopardizing a megadevelopment proposed in Stone County, but county officials are hearing an auction scheduled for Friday will be called off because developers are going to catch up on their loan payments.

“I’m hearing from good sources that they’re going to catch it up, but who knows?” Chancery Clerk Gerald Bond said Wednesday. “There’s a possibility they won’t.”

Mississippi Investors VI, a real estate investment partnership based in Florida, announced plans in January 2007 for a community of 8,000 single-family homes in 12 distinct villages. The company has purchased more than 10,000 acres from various companies and individuals. Continue reading “Speaking of Horizons (Updated)”