We the People…..

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

This Margaret Mead quote graces my Yahoo profile. The quote and sentiment has accompanied my new found political activism on insurance issues, specifically Gene Taylor’s multi peril bill HR 3121 that has clung to life seemingly against all odds.  The resulting cyber journey has literally taken Nowdy and I across this state and country.

Trying to make a difference on an issue as large as Cat insurance has proven a tough nut to crack and is a long term project as insurance issue lifers like Brian Martin of Representative Taylor’s staff can attest. However I’m gratified that my work on insurance helped inspire one of my employees to take a stand on a local issue she feels strongly about, the Gulfport library and its relocation. I briefly mentioned Deb in an earlier shout out on another topic. Continue reading “We the People…..”