BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe appeals Ross LaDart’s legal brain fart, files writs with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Folks, Anne Marie was home cooked by Ross LaDart IMHO on her public records request case. Now we get to see what the 5th Circuit does with LaDart’s legal fart.  Frankly with such legal luminaries like Susan Chehardy populating the joint, I’d be lying if I didn’t add I also wonder whether ol’ Nann with Phelphs Dumbar will be getting an advance copy of the “random” panel assignment.  I mean hell, we might as well talk about everything that goes on up there in the appellate circuits, especially the 4th and the 5th circuits. We’ve been keeping that dirty little secret for too long.

For those so interested Team Vandenweghe’s appellant brief can be found here.
