Federal District Judge Donald Walter and Magistrate Judge Karen Hayes "keep justice alive" in Louisiana!

Mind you, they had to “import” Federal District Judge Donald Walter and Magistrate Judge Karen Hayes from another federal court district to “keep justice alive” in the Eastern District of Louisiana.  Nonetheless, all of  Louisiana can take pride in the outcome of  USA v O’Dwyer.

This Court  has read all of the e-mails which the Govenment intends to submit as evidence of other acts pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b). [Doc. #60]and the Defendant has attached to his Motions to Dismiss. These e-mails place the allegedly offending e-mail in context. At no point did the Defendant threaten anyone. His e-mails, while filled with coarse language, did not threaten bodily harm. Phrases taken out of context could suggest a threat, but reading the sentences as a whole, no threat as a matter of law was made.(emphasis added)

Walter and Hayes served with honor and “justice for all” – giving us hope for a just outcome as we follow  Judge Feldman’s assault on justice and the blizzard State Farm has launched in the Rigsbys’ qui tam case.