BREAKING: It’s Official. United Fire and Casualty CEO Randy Ramlo is now the official beetch of the Slabbed Nation

A bit of background for our newer readers is in order here so the long story short is the CEO of United Fire and Casualty Company, Randy Ramlo has been our secret bud here at Slabbed since June 2008 and officially since June 2009 when Nowdy covered United Fire subsidiary Lafayette Insurance getting their asses kicked in Ferrara v Lafayette. Of course I previously knew Randy at United Fire as I managed to satisfactorily settle my own business Katrina claim with them after showing up on their Yahoo investor board so I had a flavor for the way they conducted business.

But then last year we disclosed that Randy was indeed quite the bitch as he managed to score a meet and greet with Chief Justice Kimball where he complained about Louisiana’s legal climate. The problem of course, was the shithouse way United Fire Group adjusts their claims as they are not the most rock solid property and casualty company financially by their own admission in court filings.

Not long after that, we featured Randy and the gang again getting their dishonest asses kicked at the Louisiana Supreme Court and a good ass kicking Continue reading “BREAKING: It’s Official. United Fire and Casualty CEO Randy Ramlo is now the official beetch of the Slabbed Nation”

A writ from a dishonest bitch is ditched: Slabbed updates Dufrene v. Gautreau Family, LLC, Gulf South Management and Lafayette Insurance Company

Last month I welcomed United Fire and Casualty’s CEO Randy Ramlo to Slabbed, exposing him as a charlatan that mislead his company’s investors. One of the cases I cited in that post was Dufrene where United Fire and their lawyers were caught red handed hiding salient coverages from the court and were severely sanctioned as a result. They have appealed the case and then the sanctions all the way to the Louisiana Supreme Court and have pretty much been bitch slapped the entire way up the appeals ladder and deservedly so due to their bad conduct IMHO.

We’ve duly noted that the Louisiana Supreme Court did not see fit to waste any time with bitch Randy and his band of idiots with the publication of their hand down list released on Friday (listed near the bottom of the page). I can’t wait to see what whoppers management will tell explaining this in United Fire’s upcoming 10K.
