A Quick Shout Out

In my hobby world of investing, considering alternative viewpoints is crucial to success. While Katrina and the resulting litigation has been a frequent topic for national discussion, one of the reasons I began blogging was the story…..our story was not being conveyed from a local perspective.

Understanding Katrina and the totality of it’s aftermath requires living the experience. Understanding the litigation means there is no substitute for being present and accounted for as Mr Richard Trahant, the attorney for the Weiss family pointed out here. Unfortunately the alternative viewpoints of those who were slabbed by Katrina became lost in the shuffle on the national stage, often dismissed as fringe or emotional as well exhibited by “Thick” yesterday against the well reasoned alternative viewpoint of “Coastboy” in an insurance industry law blog.

Against that backdrop I was most honored to have yesterday’s Allstate Challenge post featured in Ms Vickie Pynchon’s Negotiation Law Blog. Her reply to the comment I left there was both excellent and even handed in my opinion. I urge our readers to pay Ms Pynchon’s entry a visit. Continue reading “A Quick Shout Out”

Breaking: Broussard Reversed by 5th Circuit. Sent Back for New Trial (Updated 2X)

Here is the today’s full Sun Herald story by Anita Lee.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a $1 million punitive damages verdict against State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. on Monday and sent the case back to federal court in Gulfport for a jury to determine how much the company owes Biloxi policyholders Norman and Genevieve Broussard.

State Farm was not malicious or grossly negligent in adjusting the Broussards’ claim, the court found, negating punitive damages that are awarded to deter bad behavior.

“We’re happy with the appellate court’s decision,” said State Farm spokesman Phil Supple. “This ruling confirms our belief the jury should have been given an opportunity to evaluate the question of what damage was caused by wind and what damage was caused by water. It has also been our belief there was no basis for punitive damages, and the appellate court agreed.” Continue reading “Breaking: Broussard Reversed by 5th Circuit. Sent Back for New Trial (Updated 2X)”