Becky Mowbray Profiles Recent Policyholder Court Wins in the Times Picayune

And of course such a profile had to include extensive quotes from Rick Trahant who needs no introduction here at Slabbed and Soren Gisleson whom Nowdy has had the opportunity to chat with via email. Louisiana Insurance Commish Jim Donelon throws a wet blanket on the Ike theory but then again Rick isn’t on Mr. … Continue reading “Becky Mowbray Profiles Recent Policyholder Court Wins in the Times Picayune”

Mississippi Rigsby & Louisiana Branch: Dueling Qui Tam?

Rebecca Mowbray and Anita Lee have done wonderful jobs covering insurance issues in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Our new readers may be interested to know that Ms Mowbray has recently won a prestigious business journalism award for her story “Same house. Same repairs. Same insurer. Why different prices?”. Not to be out done … Continue reading “Mississippi Rigsby & Louisiana Branch: Dueling Qui Tam?”

Louisiana Public Adjusters Qui Tam Suit Appeal (Updated)

One of the more interesting twists in our post Katrina insurance saga was the public adjusters suit filed in Louisiana against several insurers in May of last year which contained some very specific allegations of wind claims dumping on the National Flood Insurance Program.  Little did the public adjusters know at the time was that … Continue reading “Louisiana Public Adjusters Qui Tam Suit Appeal (Updated)”

Pee on My Leg and Say It’s Raining Part 3: Marsha Thompson Joins Kevin Drawbaugh in the Drive by Reporting Craze

Since Lotus at Folo brought this report that aired on WLBT to my attention, I filed it away for further commentary, not only for its glaring factual inaccuracy (EA Renfroe is a claims adjusting firm not engineers), but also because of the sheer silliness of the logic used to frame the Rigsby sisters as document … Continue reading “Pee on My Leg and Say It’s Raining Part 3: Marsha Thompson Joins Kevin Drawbaugh in the Drive by Reporting Craze”