The “F” word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 3 of 3)

Sop knows finance and I, on the other hand, know about working with people who would water a “hedge” if they had one, invest in “cats” that kill mice, and think exotic credit comes from a payday lender. Hurricane Katrina, however, was a great equalizer; and, three years after the “F” word took people in … Continue reading “The “F” word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 3 of 3)”

The "F" word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 3 of 3)

Sop knows finance and I, on the other hand, know about working with people who would water a “hedge” if they had one, invest in “cats” that kill mice, and think exotic credit comes from a payday lender. Hurricane Katrina, however, was a great equalizer; and, three years after the “F” word took people in … Continue reading “The "F" word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 3 of 3)”

News that couldn’t wait – Paulson considering bailout of insurance companies UPDATED Will US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?

UPDATE: An afterthought of finding more versions of this story as I continued reading tonight is that a better title for this post might have been “Will the US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?” (see the updated news below) I picked the story up over at All … Continue reading “News that couldn’t wait – Paulson considering bailout of insurance companies UPDATED Will US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?”

News that couldn't wait – Paulson considering bailout of insurance companies UPDATED Will US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?

UPDATE: An afterthought of finding more versions of this story as I continued reading tonight is that a better title for this post might have been “Will the US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?” (see the updated news below) I picked the story up over at All … Continue reading “News that couldn't wait – Paulson considering bailout of insurance companies UPDATED Will US have a pot to pee in if Paulson keeps spending on his friends?”

The “F” word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 2 of 3)

Wind sucks, wind damage to your house sucks, having coverage denied because someone can’t figure out how much damage wind did to your house sucks, having one policy for wind damage and another for flooding sucks – but what really sucks is the “F” word doesn’t know a suckin, f’n thing about wind damage from … Continue reading “The “F” word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 2 of 3)”

The "F" word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 2 of 3)

Wind sucks, wind damage to your house sucks, having coverage denied because someone can’t figure out how much damage wind did to your house sucks, having one policy for wind damage and another for flooding sucks – but what really sucks is the “F” word doesn’t know a suckin, f’n thing about wind damage from … Continue reading “The "F" word hits the road – finds Wall is dead end Street (Part 2 of 3)”

Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack: Quintessential Crook in a Gucci Suit. Welcome to Slabbed

Alright folks you want to know the type of people that are benefiting from the rescue package? I’m going to profile one in current Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack. I don’t have much time to compose this post so I’ll be featuring the work of others on this subject. I hope some of the general public anger can … Continue reading “Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack: Quintessential Crook in a Gucci Suit. Welcome to Slabbed”

For Those Interested in Mississippi's Largest Pubicly Traded Company Hancock Bank….

Thanks to Editilla at the Ladder here is a great trade journal article on Hancock Bank COO Shane Loper and how he lead the recovery of the bank’s IT system post Katrina. “The company was totally destroyed when you talk about physical facilities and technology,” recalls Loper of Hancock Bank’s headquarters and its branches after the … Continue reading “For Those Interested in Mississippi's Largest Pubicly Traded Company Hancock Bank….”

For Those Interested in Mississippi’s Largest Pubicly Traded Company Hancock Bank….

Thanks to Editilla at the Ladder here is a great trade journal article on Hancock Bank COO Shane Loper and how he lead the recovery of the bank’s IT system post Katrina. “The company was totally destroyed when you talk about physical facilities and technology,” recalls Loper of Hancock Bank’s headquarters and its branches after the … Continue reading “For Those Interested in Mississippi’s Largest Pubicly Traded Company Hancock Bank….”

Get off high horse about “those people” who didn’t evacuate

In a perfect world, everyone in Ike’s path would have evacuated; but, the world is far from perfect as the story of Margaret Winters illustrates – although those on a “high horse” about people like Ms. Winter are riding too far above reality to see the imperfect world some couldn’t escape in spite of the … Continue reading “Get off high horse about “those people” who didn’t evacuate”