Same circus, new act – still playing in Federal Court

The jury for the  Windpool circus taking place in federal court in Hattiesburg,  Association Casualty Ins. Co., et. al. v. Allstate Ins. Co., et. al saw a new act today.  The lawsuit against the Windpool Board was filed in September 2006 – and today State Farm suddenly remembered it wasn’t on the Windpool Board after … Continue reading “Same circus, new act – still playing in Federal Court”

the arithmetic of reinsurance and the miscalculation of ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision following Katrina

Extraordinary level of cat loss don’t just happen overnight and CLS asked an important question about State Farm’s $10.4 billion drop in net worth. Would that have included litigation cases from cat losses in “2005″ not signed, settled and sealed until 2008? Delay, Deny and Deceive shows up on your balance sheets sooner or later. … Continue reading “the arithmetic of reinsurance and the miscalculation of ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision following Katrina”

April Fool – the joke’s on Allstate

Allstate Corporation announced a quarterly dividend of twenty cents ($0.20) on each outstanding share of the Corporation’s common stock – on Fat “cat” Tuesday, no less!  The dividend is payable in cash on April 1, 2009 to stockholders of record at the close of business on March 13, 2009. h/t ClS Hopefully, Allstate didn’t tap … Continue reading “April Fool – the joke’s on Allstate”

Adjusting the adjuster defendants in Katrina qui tam litigation…

While the 5th Circuit reinstated the Branch Consultant’s qui tam claim reasoning Rigsby was no longer the “first to file” after dismissing a defendant named in both suits, I see a clearer distinction in the two cases based on the composition of the group of named defendants in each. The Rigsby sisters, for example, cite … Continue reading “Adjusting the adjuster defendants in Katrina qui tam litigation…”

Regulatory reform – a henhouse welcoming the fox (Updated)

A nationwide demand for increased transparency fueled the demand for system and regulatory reform. As we move to coordinate with international standards will our financial and regulatory systems become more transparent or opaque? When all is said and done, how much control will our government have over our nation’s financial and regulatory systems? Editing note: … Continue reading “Regulatory reform – a henhouse welcoming the fox (Updated)”

…and I called FEMA, too – called it the “f word” for not knowing a hurricane hit New Orleans; treating people like hamburgers on a grill after Ike

Oh, there’s just so much tell about Shattering the Illusion of FEMA’s Progress, the report produced by the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 4060 that offers 10 Recommendations for Rebuilding a Broken Agency. Sop covered the basics in Slabbed Welcomes FEMA’s Rank and File Employees. I followed with  I called FEMA and they didn’t … Continue reading “…and I called FEMA, too – called it the “f word” for not knowing a hurricane hit New Orleans; treating people like hamburgers on a grill after Ike”

All the world’s a stage – a perspective on the global implications of proposed federal backstop

And one man in his time plays many part. All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, Edward Liddy is a player who made made his exit as CEO of Allstate in December 2006 and his entrance as CEO of AIG  this past … Continue reading “All the world’s a stage – a perspective on the global implications of proposed federal backstop”

The Scheme: Oh, lord I want to be in that number – the power game (Chapter 5 qui tam)

trav’ling’ in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before …we’ll all be reunited on a new and sunlit shore Katrina, the hurricane, was a trumpet, not a saint. When the trumpet sounds its call the powerful go marching in. On the 29th of August 2005, a display of sheer raw power, unlike any seen before, … Continue reading “The Scheme: Oh, lord I want to be in that number – the power game (Chapter 5 qui tam)”

The Scheme: What’s the first case on the docket – the blame game (Chapter 4 qui tam)

Judge I got a boy here who can’t dance Can’t dance?  Ah Ninety days, thirty days for boogaloo Thirty days to learn how to shing-a-ling And thirty more for the Afro twist Can’t dance, what is this What is this? It’s more of the scheme – the shing-a-ling part of the scheme to boogaloo Judge Senter. … Continue reading “The Scheme: What’s the first case on the docket – the blame game (Chapter 4 qui tam)”