With two states of ambiguity, whose side is Nationwide on?

I’ve been watching the number of insurances cases filed in the Southern District Federal Court during August and was surprised to find Nationwide in the lead last time I checked with over 20 new cases filed this month – now, up to 30 as of a moment ago. Since all new cases may not be … Continue reading “With two states of ambiguity, whose side is Nationwide on?”

Grab your hiking boots – time to wander from Perdigao v Adams & Reese to USA v Scruggs

If you find yourself lost as we wander from NOLA way up to the land of Faulker, worry not – this is not about changing the facts to fit the picture, it’s more of a sight-seeing trip to see if the facts fit the frame. Among the comments made to the Perdiago update Sop posted … Continue reading “Grab your hiking boots – time to wander from Perdigao v Adams & Reese to USA v Scruggs”

The State Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Corban V USAA

Our readers may remember we have covered the developments in this case here and here. Today Anita Lee reports the Mississippi Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal from Judge Dodson’s courtroom on whether the anti concurrent clause is ambiguous and thus unenforceable. Alternatively the state Supremes could ratify the 5th Circuit’s reasoning in Tuepker … Continue reading “The State Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Corban V USAA”

Corban V USAA Makes the News

We first mentioned this case here, which recapped the various 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rulings on anti concurrent causation. The importance is that the 5th Circuit follows state law and legal precedent in insurance cases. Since virtually all the cases have been tried in federal court the opportunity for the Mississippi Courts to speak for themselves on … Continue reading “Corban V USAA Makes the News”

From the archives: The Absurdity of Judge Jones’ Reasoning Manifested – New Wind-Water Developments (Corrected)

This morning I rose to see Anita Lee at the Sun Herald has a well written story concerning the involvement of the Mississippi Supreme Court in the Wind-Water controversy. The case in question is Corban vs. USAA which is before Judge Lisa Dodson in Harrison County Circuit Court. Judge Dodson recognizes a bad case precedent when … Continue reading “From the archives: The Absurdity of Judge Jones’ Reasoning Manifested – New Wind-Water Developments (Corrected)”