Law and Disorder in the City. More horror stories emerge from post Katrina New Orleans

Before I tackle the subject of post Katrina police shootings in New Orleans I’ll publically disclose the man whom I knew as my grandfather (actually step granddad) growing up in Waveland was retired NOPD. He was admired widely for years after he left the force by the other officers but not for any particular acts of … Continue reading “Law and Disorder in the City. More horror stories emerge from post Katrina New Orleans”

Quote of the day

From our own Steve as left on yesterday’s Sun Herald story on the Rigsby sisters getting their day in court: A very nice picture of Judge Senter and the girls. I want to see one of Edward Rust in an orange jumpsuit being transported to Parchman for the rest of his life. Meantime that sound … Continue reading “Quote of the day”

Slabbed kisses the Blarney Stone and tells the story of Katrina’s Nutty Irishman

This is the hardest post I’ve ever authored due to the subject matter of controversial lawyer and occasional Slabbed commenter Ashton O’Dwyer and his Katrina experience which is frankly incredible. Like Bellesouth before him Ashton has been judged harshly by the blogosphere. Unlike Belle, Ashton has brought a good bit cyber-ire on himself through the use … Continue reading “Slabbed kisses the Blarney Stone and tells the story of Katrina’s Nutty Irishman”

Road Home recipients in NOLA short by average $54,586 according to new report

No wonder I got lost and made the wrong connection on my recent stroll down memory lane – the Road Home is short, way short according to the PolicyLink report: A Long Way Home: The State of Housing Recovery in Louisiana 2008. The Times Picayune has the story: In New Orleans, 81 percent of Road … Continue reading “Road Home recipients in NOLA short by average $54,586 according to new report”