Welcome back Zach!

Patsy Brumfield has the story for the Daily Journal.

Zach Scruggs, convicted for his part in the scheme to bribe Circuit Judge Henry Lackey of Calhoun City, is out of federal prison and assigned to a community re-entry facility in Tupelo. An earlier report, which said he was in Montgomery, Ala., was not accurate. Inmates in the Tupelo center technically are under Montgomery’s jurisdiction, and that’s why on the Bureau of Prison’s web site it shows him there. His custody location is noted on www.bop.gov. Aug. 19 is his projected release date, the site shows.

Cheryl Dennings with BOP in Atlanta said Scruggs was moved Tuesday from a low-security prison in Forrest City, Ark. to Tupelo as he prepares to “transition” back into society. As soon as he finds a job and gets various other details approved, like driving a car, he will work away from the center and return each night.

Although an Internet site speculated Scruggs may have been seen in Oxford on Tuesday, Dennings said that wasn’t likely since she believes he was brought to Tupelo directly from Arkansas.

The just-us justice of north Mississippi challenges the meaning of “likely” on a regular basis.  Today, for example, the Clarion Ledger is reporting the previously unlikely move of Judge Delaughter’s April trial to Oxford.  Late yesterday, the Ledger reported the even more unlikely, but long suspected, grant of immunity to former Hinds County District Attorney Ed Peters.

So, while Peters and his immunity were lunching with the current DA, Sid Backstrom and his integrity remained confined in Arkansas – and some dare call it justice when it’s just-us.

Stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage.

In that light, true justice emerges as those guilty of  just-us justice serve a life sentence – forever confined by the limits of their small and narrow minds.  

Dennings also said she isn’t aware the former attorney has a job yet, and working out the details likely will take a couple of weeks.

Scruggs was disbarred with his father Richard “Dickie” Scruggs and a law partner after their 2008 guilty pleas in the Lackey scheme.

However, Zach Scruggs pleaded guilty to knowing a felony was being committed but not reporting it. The others pleaded guilty to the conspiracy.

Zach Scruggs earned a business degree before he went to law school.

IMO the best possible job for Zach would be assisting his father, now confined and cooperating in Oxford, collect the evidence needed to do what others could and should have done – bring  justice to the just-us.

7 thoughts on “Welcome back Zach!”

  1. Please come home to the Coast. There are a lot of good things you can do with your life. I suggest you begin as a volunteer to rebuild houses. I think it would be good for your soul. Hold you heard high and don’t think about the past—look to the future. You’re OK.

  2. How thoughtful, Steve. As I understand it, he won’t be free to accept such offers until his scheduled release date in August (less than his sentence under the 85% rule). From now until then, he remains confined to a federal facility – this one a half-way house.

  3. Nowdoucit,

    I always found Zach Scruggs to be helpful and hardworking during the Katrina litigation. He had a zeal to help his clients, share information and stratagies for ways help policyholders in the Mississippi Coast.

    I was shocked of the revelations, as much as anybody, because it seemed so out of character to the extent I knew Zach.

    I agree, Steve. Zach can contribute in a lot of ways and have a very productive and full life.

  4. I am confused as to your attitude toward the younger Scruggs. The crime he failed to report was pretty central toward the whole legal business.

    He went to jail and soon he will be out of jail. He is also no longer a lawyer.

    Seems pretty much the appropriate situation for him to be in given his actions.

  5. Russell in your home state what the Feds did is considered entrapment. My understanding is the Feds stand alone in that respect over the laws in all 50 states. There is no indication in the evidence Zach Scruggs knew anything more than his partners were trying to earwig a judge. We fully understand earwigging is considered very unethical but in itself is not a crime.

    If memory serves the Feds recommended no jail time but the judges up in Oxford are evidently of the hanging variety so he got a year. Half way houses are no picnic either BTW but he’s paid his restitution and none of the previous commenters hold what happened against him. He is still young and will lead a productive life. And if he came back to the coast and wanted to throw back a vodka tonic on a hot summer day chances are we’d join him instead of clucking about it like hens on a blog or small town newspaper.

    Perhaps when he is better able Zach will stop in and say hi. I know me, Steve, Belle and Nowdy would love to hear from him.


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