Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: How Bad Do We Want It?

Posted on June 5, 2022
Want what? The United States of America. Our country. Where we live. The place we call home.

It’s not a perpetual motion machine. It doesn’t run itself. It’s a volitional organism. Its not guaranteed to last forever.

It came into existence by an act of will. Blood was shed. We almost came undone in the Civil War. Much more blood was shed. It has continued to exist because a critical mass of citizens have determined consciously or subconsciously that their lives are better with it, than without it. And, a critical mass of citizens has a vested interest in having it continue to succeed.

It’s continued existence as a “going concern” has never been questioned in my lifetime. I’m watching CNN and they’re talking about shootings last night in Philadelphia, Chattanooga, Summerton, SC, Lexington, KY plus Phoenix and Mesa, AZ. The horror of Uvalde, TX is already in the rear view mirror.

Columbine and Sandy Hook are ancient history

And, all of a sudden, I started to think….this can’t last. I’m in NYC right this moment where I have access to an apartment on the Upper West Side. For the first time ever I thought, I wonder what the odds are of getting shot if I go out for a walk after the golf tournament on TV is over? Continue Reading…..