Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Surprise! Israel Wants More Money

Posted on September 26, 2021

It’s always something with Israel. Fight this country; bomb that country. Israel join us in battle? Never. Pester us for more money? Constantly.

We made a deal with Israel five years ago. We, The USA, would give Israel $3.8 Billion a year for ten years. Israel signed on. Now, they’re coming to us and saying, send us an EXTRA $1 Billion for this year. They say, they had to launch a bunch of rockets against Hamas a few months ago and don’t want to use “their own ” money…meaning money we already sent them under the Agreement. They want “new” money from us, in addition to the Agreed upon money.

As “Church Lady” would say “Isn’t that special.”

Why the heck are they bugging us with this Mickey Mouse, BS? Israel is a country with 71 Billionaires, more than three times that of the entire continent of Africa. Use the money we already sent you. The $3.8 Bil for this year isn’t exactly chump change. Don’t come to us with “extras”. That’s not our deal. And, if you have to spend a dollar of your own……..

And, by the way, the money we give to Israel, each year, is more than the money we give annually to all of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa, combined. That happens to be the area of Africa where the slaves came from. Population, 950 million people. They get squatoosh which is a smidge more than bupkis.

Does anybody have the phone number for the Congressional Black Caucus? Do they still exist? Anyone in there with a pulse?

You already know how this story ends. Israel will get “their” (meaning OUR) extra $1,000,000,000 for this year. Do you think it will be different next year? Possible. People are starting to talk.

The good news is that nine brave souls, out of 435 in the House of Representatives, voted NO and slowed the process down. Israel likes its “special arrangements” buried in massive multipurpose legislative packages. The Virtuous Nine made that impossible. So, a little daylight got shined on the scam, making it a little more difficult to pull off again. Continue Reading…….