Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Convict and Remove

Posted on January 14, 2021
Ten Republicans voting to Impeach is better than it looks. When you serve a two year term, an election is always around the corner and your base is essential. Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming deserves credit for voting to Impeach. Her state went for Trump by over 40 points and she is No. 3 in the Republican Leadership. Her vote took guts.

Nancy Pelosi responded to and unified the Democratic Caucus around a lean and mean one count charge that can be proved out of Trump’s mouth…the speech he gave to the mob before they descended on the Capitol killing a Capitol Policeman and four others.

Mitch McConnell has let it be known that he’s done with Trump. He has announced that he will not call the Senate back into emergency session and that he will follow the evidence to determine his vote. McConnell’s wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao resigned from the Cabinet, the day after the invasion, assault and murdering at the Capitol. McConnell is a master survivor. Trump is a negative in his life. He will act accordingly.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) has a role to play in the next week. She has reported seeing individuals receiving “tours” of the Capitol on January 5, the day before the assault and murder binge on the Capitol. She has reported her observations through channels. The clear implication is that Trump-Friendly Members of Congress were using their “privileges” to give rioters a detailed preview of the very complex physical layout of the Capitol. Rep. Sherrill is not to be trifled with…Lawyer, Military Helicopter Pilot. She will insist that any Member of Congress aiding riot participants on the day before the riot be expelled from the Congress. Continue Reading……