Here is a video of Sheriff Normand’s drunk buddy Dominick Imbornone

Drunk while driving his patrol car, former JPSO deputy Dominick Imbornone garners his first DWI and a second chance to repeat offend by his boss Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand. This 11 minute video of Imbornone’s first arrest on the causeway bridge tells the story.

Given what we are finding out about drunk driving in Jefferson Parish, does anyone have any further questions why Craig Codina was allowed to remain free until he killed someone driving drunk? 

I don’t think Wayne and I see this quite the same way. Imbornone should have been fired after the first offense IMHO.

Hat tip to WWL talk radio for the video and accompanying story.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.932100&w=425&h=350&]

2 thoughts on “Here is a video of Sheriff Normand’s drunk buddy Dominick Imbornone”

  1. I watched the video. It shows the effects alcohol can have on one’s life. So sad, really, because this is a young man. He will pay a heavy price for his addiction.

  2. So sad really because its a disease. You think they could have taken him off driving and put on desk duty permanently, instead of ruining his life forever. If he has a wife and kids this will devistate the family. This is an illness which never goes away.

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