From the mailbag: Yes Chip believe it or not we do this for free

Nowdy and I get all sorts of fan mail. This one came yesterday:

SOP and Nowdy: Why am I (and your other readers) subjected, on an almost daily basis, to reading motions (and motions to review) in insurance cases that haven’t yet gone to trial, when you IGNORE corruption……….I’ve “given” it all to you. Why don’t you have the BALLS to report it? PLEASE quit dwelling on BULLSHIT, which is what SLABBED is becoming.

Ok lets hear it from the Slabbed nation. We were founded as an insurance blog that highlighted the problems here after Katrina and we’ve since grown to include some other complex litigation along with some high finance. So should we shut Slabbed down to please this reader (after all I’m only good writing about things that interest me and I speak for Nowdy that way too) or are we providing content that our readers want? And don’t be shy because I’ll interpret silence on this subject as a vote for shutting the blog down.



32 thoughts on “From the mailbag: Yes Chip believe it or not we do this for free”

  1. I don’t know the man personally, but such an e-mail sounds like it came from a particular disbarred lawyer, who seems to think the world revolves around him and his problems, and rants often about it. This “Katrina victim” is hardly a victim of Katrina, but clearly is a victim of his own conduct. Katrina victims were/are those people whose homes and businesses were damaged/ruined by the storm. Rich lawyers (at the time of Katrina) with no discernible physical damage to their homes or offices are not victims. Screaming and taunting the various governments while consuming alcohol and threatening to secede from the Union (while inviting all forms of media to document it) are just not wise or credible methods of getting folks to listen.

    The bottom line is that these insurance issues are much more important to the true victims of Katrina than is some individual (who has disclosed his own psychiatric treatment on this blog) who thinks the world is out to get him, but he just can’t convince everyone/anyone to see it his way.

  2. Why thank you. We got this via email Sock.

    No way!!!!
    Great blog. Visit daily. Love the legal analysis, the take on finances and the just-for-fun posts, too.
    Don’t desert us!


  3. I enjoy and have enjoyed the information provided of this site. I am deeply concerned by any threat to stop this press from rolling.

    Those who have knowledge of wrongdoing have a duty to report it to the public and to others who may be able to remedy the wrongdoing or prevent comparable wrongdoing in the future. This is axiomatic.

    If, for whatever reason, the authors of this site feel unappreciated – please do not feel that way. You are appreciated by readers across the country, including this one from West Virginia.

    Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing your thoughts.


  4. Thank you George espeically since I promised to call you back in August and never did. 😳 Rest assured Lynda Nowdy and I won’t be the ones that will be leaving. 🙂


  5. Who is this fucking Narc?

    Not only do they sound inherently dishonest in general, but are lying about this in particular to set you up with questionable intel.

    A good Deep Throat never says “please” …
    –because they never swallow in the first place.

    1. Sock nailed it Editilla. Ashton has my email address slaughtered so I haven’t been receiving the latest missives. We’re holding another comment of his on a different post in moderation until he mans up and takes his medicine. Instead of giving him an allowance of $150/month his Momma needs to put him across her knee. We’ve never banned anyone as I’m loath to do so but we’re getting close.


  6. Looks like strong support for the blog . . . duh. Please post more insurance-related posts and documents. Thanks for all you do.

  7. Oh my goodness….what a horrible thing to say, Ashton! That’s not nice and it’s totally uncalled for! You know, SLABBED has stood behind you, beside you and WITH you SO MANY TIMES THAT I HAVE READ and I’ve never asked myself “WHY DO THEY WASTE THEIR TIME – NOT MINE CUZ I’M BROWSING AND ENJOYING THE WEB – W/THIS GUY?” CUZ THEY CARE!! THAT’S WHY!

    For you to dare to say:

    “…SOP and Nowdy: Why am I (and your other readers) subjected, on an almost daily basis, to reading motions (and motions to review) in insurance cases that haven




  9. This is Ashton? Et tu Ashton?
    Oh Cheezus! I thought this was a Minion of Pig Insurance PR (MoPIPR) trying to push slabbed to step on a burning bag of dead pelican.
    It didn’t occur to me that this was someone whose angry shit these bloggers have gone above and beyond their psychological qualifications to accommodate, someone who has had a place on this slab in the open rather than locked in a rubber room.
    Take it from me, this is what Anger will do to you when you’re the only one left dancing with it.

  10. You’re dead-on, Editilla.

    But, how can one who represented the interests of big corporations and insurance companies in lawsuits for decades not be a Minion of Pig Insurance PR (MoPIPR)?

  11. Was this Ashton? Does sound like his spew. Ashton you were not the only one with loss over Katrina. Being an attorney has swollen your head my friend. It would be hard to find anyone in the mess the corporate courts left us in. If not mistaken the firm you worked with was part of the problems we continue to live with. Call on your corporate pals maybe they could help you. You should know they do as they please. We were held down by the courts while the corporations and attorney such as yourself raped us of all we owned stealing our awards to boot.

    To recap. When corporate disposal of toxins were needed the major corporation attempted to dispose the toxins without even reporting the problem to haz mat. The plan or plot to release the toxins to a secluded area and having said cloud of toxic stop before going into a nearby state worked just fine, except when the cloud of posion stopped it was directly over my home.

    With threats we would not be allowed to bankrupt these huge corporations an attempt to exclude us[arrest with countless threats] from any action began. Then millions in offer came from one defendant and guess what. Our claims were used to accept it. Thereafter the court allowed attorney firms like the one you work for to file countless fraudulent claims. The trial on behalf of the class action failed. Do you recall how much you recieved in that matter because the court went on to pay thoses fraud claims anyway. Where were you then? BMW?

    We alone loss everthing we owned including health and are denied not only access to the courts but also medical,housing or anything else supportive of life. Had we not gathered the court documents nothing of this corruption would be known. But it is and you were part of it. I hear and hope Sop will do a post on how the surpreme court just over turned the law so corporations can now rightout buy the courts. It’s never till it happens to you that the shit your being fed taste bad.

    Do you really think you’re upset? The corporations are about to purchase the courts if your an attorney like my favorite senator who aided them in pass corruptive actions. Just promise them more of the same and run for some office. IMO it isn’t the so called secret socities taking over this country but judges and lawyers who create the laws you and I are forced to obey.

  12. How will a corporate court effect the Katrina cases? A look at the court of the furture: hpp://

  13. Nowdy up now – breaking my silence to point out it’s what the “Chips” of the world say about SLABBED that matters.

    Sop and I are nothing more than two citizen journalist compensated by knowing we make a contribution to a much larger conversation – “pay day” came recently when I clicked on Merlin’s blog and read:

    “The editors of Slabbed deserve some type of honor. What do they get for all the education about events of the day they provide? My hat is off to them. All of us are the better for it.. Slabbed Gets It and So Do I: What About All the Other More Brilliant People Regarding Concepts of Concurrent Causation?

    What we get, as Sop’s post points out, also includes insulting email messages – but those messages are lost when we hear from other readers and someone like Linda speaks out and represents the industry so well that we can discount the MoPIPR (h/t Editilla and Sock and my thanks to all SLABBED readers).

  14. O.K Time for Ashton O’Dwyer to “man up”, as SOP said. It was “I” (not “me”) who sent the “offending” E-mail, but it WAS done in private, not as a Comment on SLABBED, in public. SOP “published it. I apologize to SOP and Nowdy, in public, for the personal offense I caused them, but not for the “message”, which is simply, “With all due respect, please try to address significant issues and not make mountains out of mole-hills, over and over again.” SLABBED has been much “more better” for me than visits to a shrink, or medication (other than alcohol), even though Nowdy doesn’t “like” me. But that’s O.K. I have plenty of enemies, who keep me on my toes. SLABBED has allowed me to “vent” my frustration against a veritable “host” of wrongdoers who belong in the Penitentiary. I readily confess to being “self-absorbed”, but who wouldn’t be, after what I’ve been through. The following are issues which SOP and Nowdy haven’t reported, but which I have furnished them reams of material about: (1) My abduction, brutalization and false imprisonment in the aftermath of KATRINA; (2) the corruption of the “Victims of KATRINA” litigation, all stemming from an admitted “close personal relationship of long-standing” between the presiding Judge and plaintiffs’ lawyer Calvin Fayard; (3) Fayard’s and his cronies’ conflict of interests by virtue of secretly representing the State of Louisiana while simultaneously serving on Committees and Sub-Committees in the litigation, appointed by the presiding Judge, who had actual knowledge of the dual representation, but kept it secret and did nothing about it; (4) My suspension and disbarment from the practice of law, which occurred in retaliation for my averring that Fayard and his cronies should be disqualified from representing anyone in the litigation, due to their conflict of interests, and that the Judge should recuse himself; A corrupt Federal Judge who recommended my suspension and then disbarment (no white man as lazy, stupid, corrupt as this particular individual could ever have been confirmed by Congress); (6) My being driven into bankruptcy by the same Judge, who entered an illegal and malevolently-motivated Default Judgement against me for over $150,000 in a case which I should have won (the Judge struck my answer and defenses to facilitate the Default Judgment, which he issued on a summary basis); (7) The corruptly influenced decision in the Outfall Canal case, which denied recovery to everyone living West of the Industrial Canal against the Federal Government; (8) The corruptly influenced more recent decision in the MRGO case, which is incompatible with the decision in the Outfall Canal case; (9) The corrupt and fraudulent settlement with the Levee Boards for a pitifully small sum of money, which will go to lawyers rather than to “Victims of KATRINA”; (10) The fact that the United States of America, in July 2007, entered into a “secret” Joint Defense and Cost Sharing Agreement with the State of Louisiana, by the terms of which the USA has been assisting the State to defeat claims against the State by innocent “Victims of KATRINA” against the State, even if the United States is immune (this reprehensible secret agreement was only revealed in late April 2009, during the trial of the mRGO case); (11) The fact that the Judge who presides over the “Victims of KATRINA” litigation has been taken on trips, including trips to the Island of Nantucket and to Tuscaloosa, Alabama (the latter for a $4,00o football game, according to the Judge’s “late-filed” disclosure forms), and is guilty of misconduct that would make Judge Porteous “blush”. I could go on, but I feel confident that “You get my drift”. Why hasn’t SLABBED reported ANY of what I have just identified for you? Wouldn’t YOU like to hear “more”, or would you prefer to read more about the current status of the Bossier v. State Farm case, which we were led to believe was a “slam-dunk” for the plaintiffs, but wasn’t? P.S. To “Sock Puppet”: Have you considered changing your name to “Sick Puppy”? AROD.

  15. To SOP : I’ll “get it” as soon as Duval, Fayard (and those of his ilk), Lemelle, Dennis, eat al are in the Federal Penitentiary. And “Sick Puppy”, we all know what you need, which you obviously haven’t had for a long time (at least from a real “man”). AROD.

    1. Ashton I tossed 3 of your comments leaving this one to illustrate why. What you don’t get is this isn’t just about you and your brand of suffering isn’t anything special here. There are few people on this earth that hasn’t experienced something terrible or patently unfair. Unfortunately it is part of life. Instead of dwelling on the bad you should concentrate on the positives. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth dude and still live uptown on St Charles in a mansion. Things could have been worse, you could have been born a creole in the 8th ward and had white kids call you a blue gum nigger while catching it just as bad from the darker skinned residents. It is all a question of how you look at things. I can no longer guarantee any comment of yours will be allowed through. And while we may be good therapy perhaps you should consider going in-patient. It worked wonders for an old classmate of mine who had problems after the storm.


  16. Sop you all are doing great I doubt anyone could do more.Keep up the good works. I’m at times sorry for venting my problems but I feel I can understand as well as other what the loss of a home corrupted courts and no aid can cause a family. I even share things like being put in jail and beaten over a claim filed in a Mississippi court. It should be shameful but isn’t. I do try to be factual of my comments and as in this case I didn’t expect any response to my comments. Who can argue the facts. You folks are right on !! don’t stop. never stop till it’s your call.

    God Bless!

  17. Pretty immature retort from such an old man, Mr. O’Dwyer.

    If you are referring to sex with you “the real man,” you don’t have a job (or apparently enough money based on what mommy allows you); and I don’t screw fossils for free.

  18. Well, Sock, that’s mighty frisky of you – do I dare ask what’s your going rate and if “fossils” get a discount?

  19. To the Readers of SLABBED: It really doesn’t take “a rocket scientist” to figure out what’s “going on” here: JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY. It’s no secret that the likes of Dicky Scruggs and Paul Minor contributed HEAVILY to the Dempcratic Party and to liberal Democratic candidates and causes. This flow of money is in jeopardy, because these scoundrels are now in the “slammer”. The same can be said of Louisiana Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Calvin Fayard, Danny Becnel, Joe Bruno, and a host of others who are the “puppeteers” holding the strings of Eastern District of Louisiana Federal Judges Stanwood Duval, Ivan Lemelle, and others. The 10 or so very serious “issues” which I have identified, supra, and to SOP and Nowdy, with REAMS of supporting documentation, but which SOP and Nowdy haven’t posted one word about, ALL INVOLVE FAYARD, BECNEL, BRUNO and a host of others, in some combination. Since people who WANT THEIR MONEY to the Democratic Party and liberal democratic candidates and causes to continue to flow uninterruptedly, then any “threat” to them or their money must be ELIMINATED, as I have been. So, it’s really quite simple folks, and very sad at the same time. Exhibit No. 1 is SOP’s “tossing” of 3 of my most recent Comments, something unheard of since I have been participating on SLABBED. WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING, SOP and NOWDY? I rest my case, unless you want to re-publish the Comments you “tossed”, justify your CENSORSHIP, and let (as you did recently) the Readers decide.

  20. This is how you alienated all the federal judges Ashton. If we have protected anyone on Slabbed it has been you.

    We’ve offered you the chance to guest post and you passed. You rag us incessantly to blog about you and even when we’ve done it that still has not been enough. You simply don’t know when to quit.

    And BTW it was 4 comments not 3 as I missed one last night. We’ll let Johnny have the last word on this thread Ashton. Good luck to you.



  21. let’s get back to Nowdy’s “frisky” comment – now that was EXCELLENT REPORTING and something I want to read more about! :0


    P.S. A “real man”….you know what? Never mind! It’s silly to continue w/juvenile banter.

    Sop – you’re so right about focusing on the positives! If someone is “still” residing in a mansion and I’m STILL SEEING PICTURES of homeless people as a result of Katrina – it’s really rather selfish & disgusting to be bellyaching about anything if you have a place to lay your head on a pillow tonight!

  22. Not to re-hash anything, but Robert hit it dead on when he wrote above:

    “…Being an attorney has swollen your head my friend…”

    First, I’M NOT A LAWYER – let’s make that perfectly clear. I have noticed over the years though (from working for and with them over the course of two decades) that when a client suffers a wrongdoing, “…that’s life.” But when an atty. suffers a “wrong-doing” or something they perceive as a wrongdoing PERSONALLY, all hell breaks loose and the Constitution should be re-written!

    Well, we all know (most of us anyway) that it doesn’t work that way.


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