Yep we done went and did it. Senator Chris Dodd, welcome to Slabbed

I’ll be honest and say this could be the end result of several straight 16 hour work days but I sent our current favorite US Senator here at slabbed a cyber greeting card last night over at HIG, which is getting killed agian today in trading. But then Steve called my youtube vid and raised the pot in a way that would make certainly make Brother Bennett proud so we’ll begin with it.


And now the one I left for the Senator:


Of course Steve then stirs the pot.

Dodd is making sure State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide and Chubb remain very profitable selling bogus hurricane insurance down south. Great Job Dodd I am sure the voters of your state will understand your mistake.

The replies to his post tell the story about who $pike is fooling these days beyond mass media outlets like PBS & ABC:

Dodd is a corrupt politician who is no friend of business. He had a lot to do with the housing downfall and his hands are dirty. Yet he still sits in charge of a committee analyzing the problem and developing solutions. If the dems in congress had any ethics, he would be gone just like his father.

Yet HIG and other CT companies were big contributors to his campaigns over the years. Talk about peddling influence and corruption in politics. Can anyone say TERM LIMITS?

Indeed Senator Dodd is no friend to my small business and I safely think I speak for just about every small business on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Here at the Do Slabb Inn we put such pusillanimous people like Senator Dodd in what we affectionately call the cockroach motel. And once you check in…….


2 thoughts on “Yep we done went and did it. Senator Chris Dodd, welcome to Slabbed”

  1. Dodd brings shame to the liberal movement. He represents a large part of why conservatives don’t trust government. We need to clean house on both sides of the problem. The business community which wants to make large profits without risk and the government types which change the rules to benefit those same self serving businessmen. Its not an anti-business movement. Its an anti-oligoply and other scams which hurt consumers and taxpayers alike while lining the pockets of CEO’s across the board.

    I sooooo wanted to STEAL THIS VIDEO but it just isn’t as funny outside of your context.
    That is how one laughs on the internests, but slabbed is how one plugs the youtubes! Hehehehe…
    Goddamn yer good.

    Can we now finally say this of Nadya Suleman: Octopusillanimous???

    I can’t handle this and may have to do something…
    –go out…pick up a piece of pusillanimity!

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