Get off high horse about "those people" who didn't evacuate

In a perfect world, everyone in Ike’s path would have evacuated; but, the world is far from perfect as the story of Margaret Winters illustrates – although those on a “high horse” about people like Ms. Winter are riding too far above reality to see the imperfect world some couldn’t escape in spite of the warning to evacuate. (emphasis added)

After Hurricane Ike plunged Galveston into darkness Friday night, the residents of a small retirement community on 61st Street used flashlights to signal to each other across their small courtyard.

Ed Raymond started to worry when he didn’t see an answering blink from his neighbor, Margaret Winters, 79. She uses a wheelchair and lives alone with her cat in a first-floor apartment…

Winters, on the other hand, had tried everything to get out before Ike hit. The native Galvestonian has been registered for special assistance for the last five years, she said, but no one came to the retirement community on 61st to help her and her cat escape. Continue reading “Get off high horse about "those people" who didn't evacuate”

Get off high horse about “those people” who didn’t evacuate

In a perfect world, everyone in Ike’s path would have evacuated; but, the world is far from perfect as the story of Margaret Winters illustrates – although those on a “high horse” about people like Ms. Winter are riding too far above reality to see the imperfect world some couldn’t escape in spite of the warning to evacuate. (emphasis added)

After Hurricane Ike plunged Galveston into darkness Friday night, the residents of a small retirement community on 61st Street used flashlights to signal to each other across their small courtyard.

Ed Raymond started to worry when he didn’t see an answering blink from his neighbor, Margaret Winters, 79. She uses a wheelchair and lives alone with her cat in a first-floor apartment…

Winters, on the other hand, had tried everything to get out before Ike hit. The native Galvestonian has been registered for special assistance for the last five years, she said, but no one came to the retirement community on 61st to help her and her cat escape. Continue reading “Get off high horse about “those people” who didn’t evacuate”