Open mike on Ike

Let’s try this for a while – and welcome to all you new readers. This will stay at top of the page even when a new post is added.  Comments welcome here as well as on the threads.  Pick you screen name, email required but does not show on the screen.

  • We have Ike tracking maps here, here, and here – and a link to bulletins from the National Hurricane Center at the top of the left side bar (below calendar)
  • .Search box at top right of the page, type in Ike to find related posts, check Gustav, too, as Ike is dumping water on top of flooding from Gustav.

Ike Updates

Most recent update at top of the list

  • Rescuers said Sunday they had saved nearly 2,000 people from the waterlogged streets and splintered houses left behind by Hurricane Ike. Glass-strewn Houston was placed under a weeklong curfew, and millions of people in the storm’s path remained in the dark.
  • This just in from WWL talk radio:

“Terrebone Parish President Michel Claudet says at least 13,000 structures have flooded in lower Terrebone Parish. About 6,000 of those were residential homes.”The conditions continue to deteriorate,” Claudet said. “We have people going up and down the bayou pulling people out.”

He said that the helicopters used for closing levee breaks have be retasked to help rescue people who did not heed the earlier call to evacuate.

“Until the winds come from the north and draw the water out of the parish, we’ll face some challenges,” he said. “Right now, we’ve gotten almost the same surge that we got with Hurricane Rita years ago.”

  • Galveston…The tide levels appear slightly lower than forecast and underscore the fact that a strike on Galveston Island’s east end produced a lower overall surge across the island. Forecasters now say the maximum tide in Galveston Island was probably 15 feet or less.
  • The Jackson area can expect to feel the effects of Hurricane Ike this weekend in the form of heavy showers, thunderstorms and gusty winds.
  • Floyd LeBlanc of CenterPoint Energy Inc. said 1.8 million of the power company’s customers — or more than 4 million people — in metro Houston are without electricity as high winds and heavy rains downed power lines. LeBlanc said 2 million customers represent about 4.5 million people.
  • Galveston getting inundated from all sides 4:30am CT

Galveston County is experiencing widespread damage, according to initial reports from the state Emergency Operations Center in Austin. The east and west ends of Galveston Island are under water, and water is pouring over the seawall. Power and utilities are out. There are multiple fires; rain is helping extinguishing some.Galveston County’s …Infrastructure is heavily damaged, although the condition of area refineries is still unknown. Land phone lines and radio communication is stable, but cell phone service is <!–[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <![endif]–>intermittent.

  • It’s 4 a.m. and Ike’s hurricane force winds are battering downtown, together with driving rain. Restaurant awnings and other debris are being blown down the streets…Trees are down, windows have been blown out of the Chase Tower. (Houston taking the brunt now)
  • More than 1,000 search and rescue teams are at Reliant Center and other locations waiting for the winds to subside enough to begin work on what is expected to be one of the largest rescue efforts in Texas history.
  • Ike makes landfall…stranded Galveston residents call in vain for help in vain. Houston Chronicle 2:1am CT
  • 1.3 million without power…Brennan’s, a popular restaurant in downtown Houston for almost four decades, burned down Friday night as Ike battered the city – and in Louisiana 1,800 homes and businesses were flooded by storm surge in Cameron Parish, Louisiana…and six feet of flood water rushed into the town of Lafitte in Louisiana’s Jefferson Parish…more here.
  • Ike has Cat 4 winds at building height! (CNN reports at 12:09amCST)
  • Flooding in Louisiana – this update from the Ladder

People in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana are beginning to feel the effects of Hurricane Ike. This is a dangerous situation, as most residents are without power and do not realize the current situation…There is only the local channel, HTV in Houma, which is covering the situation in real time…Commentator: This is a sad,sad day for Terrebonne Parish. It looks like Niagra Falls. Please leave. Please leave.  This is the day we feared.

10 thoughts on “Open mike on Ike”

  1. Nowdy I think we’ve become the official policyholder Hurricane blog of the 2012 Summer Olympics. 😉 CNN rocks!

    Seriously folks and especially our new readers don’t be shy. None of us bite here at slabbed (well maybe I do on occasion) and for those impacted by Ike please consider us a resource.


  2. From the NOAA tidal stations it apperars that Sabine Pass had a foot or two more water than Galveston Island and Bay.

  3. Sabine Pass peaked at 14.24 feet which is major flooding in Jefferson and Orange counties and a new record crest for the gauge. The gauge measured 9.8 feet from Rita. Port Arthur has levees but I don’t know how high.

    The Galveston Pleasure Pier gauge peaked at 12.64 feet and stayed around that level for several hours.

    Across the channel from the island, the Galveston Bay North Jetty gauge went off line around 10 pm CDT near 10 feet. A little further east, the Rollover Pass gauge went out at 1 am at 11.2 feet. This area may have had the highest surge in the Galveston area.

    Inside Galveston Bay, Eagle Point peaked at 12 feet, but the Clear Lake gauge went off line at 1 am at 8.2 feet, and Morgan Point went off line at 2 am at 9 feet, both before the max surge.

    There is major flooding on some bayous, including White Oak Bayou and Buffalo Bayou in Houston.

    Further east, Calcasieu Pass (Cameron LA) peaked at 11.79 feet which is major flooding but below the 15 feet of Rita.

  4. OK, I hope this is how this woiks.
    Sorry I have been out of it with suddenly realized storm psycho’torque, following this hurricane like ship’rat. Had to finally crash. This happened with Katrina too. Staying up with the storm all night…then suddenly waking up in the morning. Weird.

    Here is a good site for multiple TV Coverage in TX:

    One big big story is all the building damaged in Downtown Houston. Glass everywhere. They’re talking about how most of the real estate is owned by “mortgage entities” rather than the tenants etc…
    I would like some of you noble slabbers to figure out who’s paying and how fast?
    Where is the disaster capitol going to fall?

    Thank you,

  5. would someone please rescue anderson cooper from that river he has been standing in for hours (?), in his cute waders and tight black t? he must be a stuck in the mud! is he in quicksand? doesn’t anyone care? flashy trite. you can do better. maybe it is because he is not wearing his red CNN slicker that he is being punished. maybe he tried to walk across water? what is the answer here?

    also, having your on-air people standing out in the storm all last night (I was up suffering pneumonia and sinus infection which did not help my mood) when they could have just as well showed us from their shelters, is something this side of insane.

    you maybe number one but it must be because you have no worthy competitors, including yourselves.

    sorry, but CNN is all I have left. don’t spoil with this sensationalism.

    keep up the good work but do better for your country. best, ramona in kentucky

  6. Ramona, I’ll try but we’re not CNN – they linked to our Ike posts.

    Anderson’s father was from Mississippi so we feel like he’s one of ours and will see if we can’t get your message out.

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