A Price to Be Paid Boys…..

Welp pardners, this Cowboy just saw something that made me laugh hard. Ole David Dugas is havin’ hisself one heck of a hard time gettin’ that promotion to federal judge ’cause he was soft on crime – insurance crime that is. There is a lesson in this for ole Dunn Lampton too. Look here from our friends over Times Picayune way:

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., angry that the nomination of Baton Rouge U.S. Attorney David Dugas to a federal judgeship is being held up by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., tried to advance the nomination last week through a unanimous consent request on the Senate floor. He was rebuffed when Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., objected. Vitter said he still hopes Landrieu will relent and allow a hearing on the nominee. “If there is a reason to stop the nomination, surely a hearing is the best venue and the best vehicle to illustrate that and talk about it,” he said. Landrieu has said she has serious concerns about the nomination of Dugas because he failed, as U.S. attorney, to investigate allegations from insurance industry whistleblowers that companies had engaged in an intentional policy to deny valid wind claims after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, in some cases passing along the liabilities to the government-subsidized Federal Flood Insurance Program.

Yippe Kia Yea Republican Big Business Bootlickers! Payback’s a bitch.