SOA misunderstood or misused?

This Monday morning “think” from the National Underwriter was cut short when I was posting this morning – and I left for an appointment laughing at the thought of encountering a system error in the NU server as I was attempting to post the link and teaser text for a technology article!

Given the scheme, I found this confirmation that  IT systems are talking more and better than ever of considerable interest.

Service-oriented architecture is today perhaps the most widely used, yet widely misunderstood structure for insurance industry computer systems…The insurance industry has, over the past four years or so, bought heavily into this concept in terms of quicker software development and a host of efficiencies that promise lower costs…”While it’s not as sexy as some of the loftier SOA hype, Web services and SOA in insurance have contributed mainly as a form of better ‘plumbing,’” said Jeff Goldberg, senior analyst at Boston-based Celent. Continue reading “SOA misunderstood or misused?”