What a surprise! Deputy Commissioner of MID joins law firm representing State Farm

The announcement in the Sun Herald  mentioned Deputy Commissioner of Insurance Lee Harrell was leaving the Department to join a law firm.

The Mississippi Insurance Department’s deputy commissioner, Lee Harrell, is leaving after 16 years to work for Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz law firm…Harrell spent most of his career under former Insurance Commissioner George Dale, who was defeated for re-election in 2007. Dale, the nation’s longest-serving commissioner, now works in the government relations department of Adams and Reese law firm.

Unlike Dale, Harrell is an attorney. He was unavailable for comment Wednesday. Chaney said Harrell will focus on insurance cases in his new job. Baker, Donelson represents insurance companies and policyholders…Harrell oversaw a market conduct study of State Farm after Dale’s departure. (emphasis added)

Chip Merlin connected the dots.

Anita Lee, of the Sun Herald, recently reported that the deputy insurance commissioner who “oversaw” the Mississippi Insurance Department’s Market Conduct Study of State Farm following Hurricane Katrina has left the Mississippi Department of Insurance. Guess who hired him? The lawyers who represent State Farm in Hurricane Katrina matters. Continue reading “What a surprise! Deputy Commissioner of MID joins law firm representing State Farm”