Bet your sweet potatoes on the weather and take the pot!

Insurance has a steep learning curve – and understanding what a policy covers, believe it or not, is the bottom of the curve. Some say learning is more caught than taught; and, if that’s the case, I caught a lot more than I bargained for last week – and learned even more from research over the weekend.

Before I explain why you need to invest your sweet potatoes on the weather, you need to take a look at this picture of the the insurance industry. It’s the one I had in my head – although far more developed (understatement) – when I posted this link on the ALL Board in response to a comment from Slabbed’s friend cominglatersooner.

Now. about those sweet potatoes – or commodities as they’re known when they’re not groceries. Continue reading “Bet your sweet potatoes on the weather and take the pot!”