Senate passes Resolution supporting HR3121

More insurance news, Sop – Senator Gollott had 21 co-sponsors for his Resolution.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 527, authored by Sen. Tommy Gollott, R-Biloxi, urges Congress to adopt the bill that is pending before the Senate, which would extend the National Flood Insurance Program to include wind damage and other coverage. Taylor has been pushing the plan hard.

Gollott pointed to the slow recovery in the hard hit areas of South Mississippi where private sector insurance troubles have slowed rebuilding as proof government issued multi-perils coverage is needed.

“I’m really going to push this because we direly need it on the Coast,” Gollott said.

Gollott said he plans to send the resolution to officials in every state, as well as every member of the U.S. Senate.

Read the full story here and the Resolution here.