It’s official – O’Dwyer out on bond, Magistrate’s Order sets conditions

I’ve had the good luck to have the best partner-in-blog ever – and the bad luck to know all too well how Ashton’s rants can be disturbing, at best.  Consequently, this is my first post on USA v O’Dwyer despite my long-time support of alternatives to incarceration, particularly for those with an apparent need for health and/or mental health services.

Magistrate Judge Karen Hayes, however, merits recognition and I wanted to tip my hat to her sensible, yet sensitive, handling of the situation.  The Minute Entry documenting her decision noted, “Counsel for the Government object to the setting of a bond”.  It also noted the Magistrate granted the Government’s “motion for pretrial psychiatric and psychological examination for competency to stand trial” and set other conditions for O’Dwyer’s release to home confinement on an unsecured $100,000 appearance bond:

The special conditions of bond are: 1) Pretrial Services supervision ; 2) avoid all contact, directly or indirectly, with any persons who are or who may become a victim or potential Continue reading “It’s official – O’Dwyer out on bond, Magistrate’s Order sets conditions”