Looking for a “staycation” – then stay at your computer and tour the Mississippi Delta

“I watched the Creator of this world mix a palette of colors for me and cast them across the sky above this bayou in north Warren County. And it happened so quickly that it can take your breath away! He starts out with dark blues and purples, then adds a touch of orange, then dabs on bits and pieces of yellow just before throwing a whole can of golden flakes across the water! Wow! All the while, the clouds are billowing, the warm air drifts across the grass and water, the sounds of nature compete for my attention…’Oh, Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds thy hands have made….'”

Mississippi photographers Marty Kittrell and Robert Walker “beat the heat” with photoblogs that offer a tours of the Mississippi Delta from any cool place you can place your chair. Continue reading “Looking for a “staycation” – then stay at your computer and tour the Mississippi Delta”