A big SLABBED welcome to Paul Volcker’s common sense comments

It seems to me what our nation needs is more civil engineers and electrical engineers and fewer financial engineers…

Read on and see if you don’t think Mr. Volcker has heard about the potholes in Jackson.

Every once in while during a crisis or history-altering event, you run across a quote or an observation that sort of summarizes events on the ground, in a nutshell. Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker articulated one such observation during a recent chat he had with PBS’ Charlie Rose.

“It seems to me what our nation needs is more civil engineers and electrical engineers and fewer financial engineers,” Volcker said. Continue reading “A big SLABBED welcome to Paul Volcker’s common sense comments”

A big SLABBED welcome to Paul Volcker's common sense comments

It seems to me what our nation needs is more civil engineers and electrical engineers and fewer financial engineers…

Read on and see if you don’t think Mr. Volcker has heard about the potholes in Jackson.

Every once in while during a crisis or history-altering event, you run across a quote or an observation that sort of summarizes events on the ground, in a nutshell. Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker articulated one such observation during a recent chat he had with PBS’ Charlie Rose.

“It seems to me what our nation needs is more civil engineers and electrical engineers and fewer financial engineers,” Volcker said. Continue reading “A big SLABBED welcome to Paul Volcker's common sense comments”