Prevent disaster at FEMA: Push “hell no button” on Witt and Merritt with email to Obama and Members of Congress

I’m pushing all the “hell no” buttons I can find to oppose Witt’s return to FEMA.

Join me in saying Hell no to Witt and Merritt at FEMA and Hell no to others who would likewise come with “strings attached” to the insurance industry.

Send your “hell no” directly to President-elect Obama.

Let the President-elect know the change we need is a FEMA without ties to the insurance industry.

Make your voice even louder by sending this same message to Congress.

We’ve got two great ones for this issue – send both a copy of your message.  Your voice will be heard; just don’t expect a reply unless you’re from their District.

Representative Bennie G. Thompson (D – 02) (Chairman, Homeland Security)
202-225-5876 phone
202-225-5898 fax
email Representative Thompson

Representative Gene Taylor (D – 04) (Champion of the Slabbed)
202-225-5772 phone
202-225-7074 fax
email Representative Taylor

Connect to any/all Members from here.

Change we need – an independent FEMA.  Continue reading “Prevent disaster at FEMA: Push “hell no button” on Witt and Merritt with email to Obama and Members of Congress”